they are trying to set up trump as the bad guy again. it will not work though. show me a trump supporter who said wearing a mask or getting a mrna was a have to get?
on the contrary the democratic Loonie minded sheep wanted vaccine passports, jail time, forced, and so on. Show me one democratic person that said wearing a mask or getting a mrna was not a have to get/do?
if they are jumping ship to be a whistleblower. they should still go to prison. he goes rogue? so he doesn't care about people, he only cares about himself... typical commie.
i worked years ago for a place who installed a specific type of telecom phone. we had a "bad batch" of displays--which was interpreted as ALL the phones were bad. To this day if i happen to go a business with this specific type of phone type anywhere in the country. All the displays are bad. 20 years later. This is totally different though. This is people's lives and health. I think the "bad batch" is the whole entire enchilada.
If you look into this more thoroughly you will find this guy wasn't a doctor but, most likely, a contractor to the New Zealand Ministry of Health contracted to build the database tracking system of payments to those organizations that vaxxed people. He had a legitimate access to the database and was horrified by what he saw and was brave enough to show statistically that the vaxx had killed people.
good point. i do not know it all. he locked down for a week because it was mandatory. did he not say that? it is a thing though. when i heard 2 weeks to flatten the curve.. that very nano second i knew it was to kill and harm people. Anyone who did not should question themselves.
it is a tough thing though. i don't think i was brave and i am nobody. what i think is those who we put in positions to be brave and they cower are the issue. Hopefully this guy is as good as he looks for New Zealand.
they are trying to set up trump as the bad guy again. it will not work though. show me a trump supporter who said wearing a mask or getting a mrna was a have to get?
on the contrary the democratic Loonie minded sheep wanted vaccine passports, jail time, forced, and so on. Show me one democratic person that said wearing a mask or getting a mrna was not a have to get/do?
if they are jumping ship to be a whistleblower. they should still go to prison. he goes rogue? so he doesn't care about people, he only cares about himself... typical commie.
i worked years ago for a place who installed a specific type of telecom phone. we had a "bad batch" of displays--which was interpreted as ALL the phones were bad. To this day if i happen to go a business with this specific type of phone type anywhere in the country. All the displays are bad. 20 years later. This is totally different though. This is people's lives and health. I think the "bad batch" is the whole entire enchilada.
This has nothing to do with Trump. It's what happened in New Zealand under commie Jacinda Arden's tyranny of lockdowns and vaxx mandates.
understood. Christopher Luxon-Is he not Christian and Jacinda is she not of the devil?
same play all around the world. the same way out too.
If Jacinda was still in charge would this doctor jump ship? nope. so, he should still go to prison.
if fauci jumped ship i would still say the same for him too. yet what i say means nothing. just an opinion.
If you look into this more thoroughly you will find this guy wasn't a doctor but, most likely, a contractor to the New Zealand Ministry of Health contracted to build the database tracking system of payments to those organizations that vaxxed people. He had a legitimate access to the database and was horrified by what he saw and was brave enough to show statistically that the vaxx had killed people.
good point. i do not know it all. he locked down for a week because it was mandatory. did he not say that? it is a thing though. when i heard 2 weeks to flatten the curve.. that very nano second i knew it was to kill and harm people. Anyone who did not should question themselves.
it is a tough thing though. i don't think i was brave and i am nobody. what i think is those who we put in positions to be brave and they cower are the issue. Hopefully this guy is as good as he looks for New Zealand.
You misspelled Mengala.
wonder what happened to fadro farm?
Amen, this will all coming out in the wash now.