COMING SOON: Possible 'balancing' solution to the Daily Chat vs "Shower Thought" posts. Let's experiment with making Daily Chat a 'Weekly Chat'? Hopefully frogs can expect better, more high-quality engagement that will increase visibility of legitimate questions/research requests, etc. Cool?
🐸 GAW PSA! 🐸

Yeah shouldn't "egregiously low-quality, low effort posts" just fall off naturally by no one upvoting?
I guess it could potentially clog up "New", but that would only be if the person is making tons of said posts, in which case go ahead and do the ban.
But I don't have to moderate anything, so it's prob easy for me to criticize
As a user who posts original bullet point observations that create near universal consensus, I agree with you. Having them dismissed as 'shower thoughts' is insulting and counterproductive. Being banned for the same style I've employed since day one is frustrating. Recently, I had similiar posts get instant traction (20 upvotes in 10 minutes) only to have them deleted and a 3 day ban issued.
Can't you just post the topics in general chat. Is there a reason why you rather have them be there own post
lol look at the upvotes on the posts I provided
You're a long time user. Are you not aware of the cratering of traffic on this sub?
We don't measure success here by 'engagement,' we measure it by quality of discussion. I don't mean this in a mean way, but, if you're so senior and have been here for so long, why I have to point you to the sidebar, over and over, u/Oh_Well_ian? Let's get one thing straight:
GAW is an elite research board.
This means that our core audience are the hardcore researchers and diggers. And this is NEVER going to change. If you want to 'measure how well your posts are doing' by engagement (how much "chatter" your posts generate), then go hang with the 'engagement' rabble, go ahead, join Telegram and hang out in (the awesome, don't get me wrong) Pepe_Lives_Matter comment stream. Make friends! Talk your face off! Post your chickens, flat earth, and slog through thousands of 2016 memes! Go for it. But as long as I'm Lead Mod at GAW, hand on a Bible I fricking swear to you, we will never be the board of choice for the average IQ Q follower. Our standards are a little bit higher. And this comment? Your approach? It's disappointing that you can't enthusiastically get with this program, because I consider you extremely capable of elite posting and elite research.
Time to choose, dude. I see no reason for you to be here if after all this time you're still conflicted. Just let me know, mate. Travel agents are standing by.
NOTE: I am NOT insulting Pepe_Lives_Matter. He posts such epic content. But he's not running a high-end discussion board. WE are.
Personally to me its not the amount of post or traffic that is the value..it's the quality and connection that matters the most. Upvotes are not what I judge my thoughts on. The mods have been and will continue to be consistent in there mission focused approach. I encourage you to truly pray on these words. It might help you have less conflicts with the leadership here. they are very solid people and care very deeply about this place.
Also let's work to build up general chat. If we all work together we can make it into something truly special. I say this because I rarely see you post there. It's gonna take people engaging over there to really get it up and rolling