COMING SOON: Possible 'balancing' solution to the Daily Chat vs "Shower Thought" posts. Let's experiment with making Daily Chat a 'Weekly Chat'? Hopefully frogs can expect better, more high-quality engagement that will increase visibility of legitimate questions/research requests, etc. Cool?
🐸 GAW PSA! 🐸

No. It isn't. Volunteer to be a mod here. You'll start on the deport queue. And in 6 months, you'll basically be transformed into CatsFive, and you will also find yourself banishing LOW EFFORT, LOW QUALITY, LOW INFO posts to the land of wind and ghosts, like we do.
This thread is about changes to Daily Chat, not about moderating, by the way.
Yes. It is. But keep ignoring the feedback you're getting. And continue to watch the forum die.
Says the account who has contributed absolutely nothing to this forum. Kek
Fine. Great. Let it die. YOU HAVE NO POSTS. If you decide to leave, WHO WOULD NOTICE?
EDIT: Banned this user for this faggotry, and got this diamond gem in reply:
And, boom, this is why we mod GAW the way we do. Establish a post history. Because the levels of respect you receive from the mod team is directly proportionate to what you are willing to post, and then, by your comments, how you are willing to defend it.