Speaking out against the Kazarian Jews is a big No No!!!
US Rep James Traficant served in congress for 18 years, was the first US Rep to be expelled from Congress since the Civil War.
Traficant was convicted by a federal jury on 10 corruption-related counts, including bribery, racketeering and tax evasion charges. He was convicted and served 7 years of a 9-year sentence.
He was an America first politician. We can draw many similarities to matters going on today? Do you see any similarities with the indictments against Trump today? Do you think the Court system was corrupt in 2002? Someone said, they have many ways to silence you.
US Congressman: Israel Uses America Like a Whore
"If you open your mouth, you get targeted. If they don't beat you at the polls, they will put you in prison".
Jim Traficant - Israel has a stranglehold on Congress
In this video Traficant says he was pulled over by police. After some sobriety tests he asked the police officers if the FBI pressured them "to pull me over to get a DUI on me?"
James Traficant ; Railroaded out of Congress
Schumer Warns Trump: Intel Community Has Many Ways to 'Get Back at You"
Answer me this.
If President Trump came out against Israel (Kazarian Jews) during his first term, do you think the impeachment cases would have removed Trump from office? I say most likely.
Trump acting like a friend to Israel (Kazarian Jews) was a necessity? The continued "friend of Israeli" routine is a necessity? Saving Israel for last makes more sense now?
I am merely expressing the concerns of a former US Rep and comparing US history to current events.
Stay safe my frens!!!
PS: I am not an antisemite and if anyone says I am, they are using the term to discredit and censor the evidence. Don't let them trick you. I support any foreign ally who has good will toward us.
Was there a post on this? There is some very amazing stuff here. Looks like the answer to the "US Corporation" is right here.
I can't remember how I found it, running down rabbit holes you often forget how you got there, lol. I think I was looking up some court documents out of Florida about the Bankruptcy of the US Corporation when I found it. I sometimes have 20 tabs open on my computer, piecing things together till I find something I want to discuss.
I agree, that post needs to be dug into.
Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve into existence 1913.
Roosevelt signed the Emergency Banking Act 1933
Johnson became President after the JFK assassination.
Johnson then removed all the silver coinage from circulation in 1964.
Seems like we had a series of deep state presidents that handed the international banks control of our currency which started back in 1871.
The article says, "The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870)"
District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 turned the USA in to a corporation
Speaker Johnson named the 45th speaker takes us back to that time.
It all connects to the fact, Trump removing the Federal Reserve.
I found something amazing based on this. I’ll share in a bit but thanks for posting this. This is the missing link for the whole corporation/maritime conspiracy theory that we have a hard time understanding