The armed American public has numbers near 150 million with 350 million guns. There are only a couple million military service members. So, each military service member would have to defend himself against 75 armed Patriots.
You can't win a war using only air power, you have to get on the ground, turn it in to a Guerrilla war.
This is why we lost Vietnam, we could not make any advances in the ground war.
Most of our military would not turn their weapons on friends, family and neighbors.
Everyone in this country is fed up with the bullshit and would join the efforts of armed Americans taking back their country.
Don't be fooled, if the American people wanted to end this nonsense today, it could be done, today.
I like using the analogy of a school of piranha eating a water buffalo down to the bone.
The armed American public has numbers near 150 million with 350 million guns. There are only a couple million military service members. So, each military service member would have to defend himself against 75 armed Patriots.
You can't win a war using only air power, you have to get on the ground, turn it in to a Guerrilla war.
This is why we lost Vietnam, we could not make any advances in the ground war.
Most of our military would not turn their weapons on friends, family and neighbors.
Everyone in this country is fed up with the bullshit and would join the efforts of armed Americans taking back their country.
Don't be fooled, if the American people wanted to end this nonsense today, it could be done, today.
I like using the analogy of a school of piranha eating a water buffalo down to the bone.
Count on 1 percent of those numbers fighting.