"The goal during the precipice is to use the ammunition of world events and shifting narratives to provide us with a way to red pill and awaken those who still rely on the mainstream media to tell them what and how to think. But when we have half of our community making these sorts of outlandish unprovable claims, then we see many people who might otherwise start to question everything, and reject our movement wholesale because people are immediately starting out with muh everyone is a clone talk. This makes us seem less serious and gives the movement less credibility. I’m not telling anyone what to think and certainly, I’m not saying that there isn’t a seeming air of mystery on who is acting out a role and who isn’t because it sure seems like there is some of that going on.. But we can’t prove much of that. It’s simply an act of faith at this point to continue to believe we will win and there’s nothing wrong with that. When I deal with hardened normies, there’s one thing I’ve noticed.. It’s that they only want video footage or provable sauce else they instantly reject. That’s why when I’ve been creating my threads and digs, I make sure they look and feel professional and it has the proof behind it. I guess what I am saying here is, yes, things seem strange and certainly Trump did things behind the scenes we are not privy to. I am not saying do not question why people are behaving the way they do or not. But when you try to red pill someone, start with everything you can prove and go from there. The more we can prove without a shadow of a doubt, the easier time those with hardened hearts will begin to have their callouses begin to fade away and we can get to the main point of it all:
An awakening of the populace that brings people back to the reality of pure evil in our world and the spiritual war being waged as we speak. If such evil is so potent, surely God is at work as well. This is the power of our movement. Let’s make sure we bring our best foot forward and convince those we can with what the journey provides. Certainly, they are providing far more red pill ammunition than any of us know what to do with. We just need to make sure we package that information in a way that doesn’t turn them off instantly. But what do you think?
(Whole point of my post is to lead the normies in. You can't go straight to clones to red pill hardened normies. You gotta bring the sauce. Red pilling is an art form that we can all improve at.)"
(ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter)
How could a clone be obvious? Masks could be used sometimes but I don't see how the voice could be absolutely perfect in a face to face real life situation let alone the bodily proportions.
Even with someone as obvious as a POTUS, the vast majority of people don't pay very close attention. Consider how much JB's appearance has changed over the years. He was a much, much crueler looking guy - and stouter, too. Now he's packaged as 'grandfatherly' and cute and he's thin and fit. But even the masses who have been alive during his tenure in politics don't put it together. Personally, I am not convinced on the whole issue. I do believe some have utilized such things, but I don't think it's very widespread. What opened my eyes was a Laura Loomer video she did with a campaign trail appearance of kamala. It was during covid and she was wearing a mask. LL called her out because it wasn't kamala, even though her 'supporters' were getting pictures with her. Even they didnt realize it wasn't kamala. I thought it was pretty obvious it was not her - it really didn't even look like her - but kamala's supporters accepted it as her.
News flash - people's skin and musculature and posture change as they get old and plastic surgery (which there is evidence Joe has had) changes people's appearance. I would say he is not fit but frail. I never would have thought of him as stout, just about average.
This may or may not be Kamala Harris but I don't see evidence it is someone else. Looks pretty much like her in a covid mask if you ask me.
That's the video to which I was referring. To me it seems very obvious it's not kamala. This woman has much prettier eyes. Also, she beat it out of there posthaste when LL made her claim.
Maybe it's not her, maybe it is. I don't rate anyone's opinion about things like that. I have seen too many people be 100% certain Paul McCartney is dead and many, many other similar beliefs that I thought were untrue.
There are doubles sometimes used in politics. I think that is well known. Shoot, I thought Kamala looked weird as fuck one time on a news interview. It actually looked like a mask to me. You never know.
Sometimes video compression has weird artifacts. They send the data to a satellite and back so sometimes the signal has to be cleaned up. There is processing designed to allow for a minimal bandwidth signal.
What evidence of plastic surgery. Havent heard that?
I have posted links to plastic surgeons who gave their opinion on Joe Biden. One used Joe as an example of...what did he call it? 'Pixie ears' resulting from a bad facelift. That's why one ear is attached now; the bad facelift pulls it taut. Another plastic surgeon also detailed evidence of a bad facelift like obvious cuts in certain places and so on.
Loomer's a man.
I don't think so. I've never seen anything to support that claim. Regardless, it doesn't make any difference to the point she made. Your comment seems very bizarre.