OK, let's try the weekly chat idea. Here goes!
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I agree with your feedback 100%. I would have typed this myself, but I’m a homeschooling parent of 3 and one’s a baby, so....it would be ADD central. I was interrupted just now while typing this! 😆
I like the idea of both. I used the daily chat as a summary of happenings and a place I could pop into and ask a quick question. I knew if there was anything BIG going on it would be mentioned in the daily and I could go on from there. It was my check in so to speak. The weekly chat is already too much to scroll through. I have the time now as one of my children are at riding lessons. 🐎
Just a little feedback of my own. I am feeling overwhelmed with all the “rules.” I understand there needs to be some in place to keep it orderly, but let’s be honest, most of us here are rule breakers by nature.