OK, let's try the weekly chat idea. Here goes!
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This is an experiment, we will see how it goes. We wont have more than one general threads at a time, so until this plays out we wont be posting General Chat. Based on user feedback and how things play out we will either continue with the weekly chat, or revert back to the General Chat.
Remember, the we mods always try to do whats best for the community.
This current change was catalysed by the fact that many people complained that posting "low effort" posts in General Chat was useless since very few people get to see it before it rolls over.
If you disagree with anything we mods do, the correct way to be heard is by providing your feedback, via modmail, respectfully. The worst thing you can do is to argue rudely in public (not referring to you here, just in general) even while making good points.
Hey BB, did someone rage quit? If so, I'm wondering who it was.
We had an all-day sticky about this. Some frogs feel that not enough eyes get to see Daily Chat before it's wiped clean. So we're trying this. Bubble Bursts posted a daily chat, but we'll try this for the week here starting for Monday. If this works, he'll keep going with it. Nobody is getting rid of anything
That makes a lot of sense. Sometimes I have a general question about life or something interesting I'd like to post for discussion but end up not posting if it's later in the day or on the weekend. If my old brain can remember or if I'm up I post right when the next days gen chat populates. I don't get upset if people don't see my comment or they don't reply. I believe people might read a comment and don't have to reply. It doesn't mean they didn't get something from the information. We are busy and a life outside of this awesome place. I've seen others post on a topic and say trying again not much traffic on post yesterday.
I've seen this happen to you, in particular, more than a couple of times. So yes, I hope the weekly works for these type of scenarios. Daily often failed to answer a LOT of questions. Absolutely it's biggest drawback.
Thanks for noticing. As a kid, teenager and young adult I used to get upset if people didn't hear me. Then along came social media and that didn't help. After years of that with Gods guidance I finally have learned to let things like this roll off my back. I really don't take things personally if I don't get upvotes, get downvoted or don't get comments. I comment because I want to and have made a handful of friends here along the way. Maybe people don't understand me or think I'm just here to chat when I can, IDK and there's to many more pressing things in my life to worry about it. I know my limits and just don't get on here like I used to. I have addictive tendencies and have the time to be here for hours 24/7 if I allow it. Nothing obsessive is good for anyone.
It's also really great for the mods actually because instead of seeing random comments from here and there all of them which we are looking at for sidebar stuff and if it's on topic to the particular thread, we can now just hang out with you guys, get a sense of how each person is individually instead of seeing it purely through the mod lenses
Love this! I'm in awe of anyone who sacrifices to moderate any open group online. It's not easy work! Blessings to everyone one of you.
I agree with your feedback 100%. I would have typed this myself, but I’m a homeschooling parent of 3 and one’s a baby, so....it would be ADD central. I was interrupted just now while typing this! 😆
I like the idea of both. I used the daily chat as a summary of happenings and a place I could pop into and ask a quick question. I knew if there was anything BIG going on it would be mentioned in the daily and I could go on from there. It was my check in so to speak. The weekly chat is already too much to scroll through. I have the time now as one of my children are at riding lessons. 🐎
Just a little feedback of my own. I am feeling overwhelmed with all the “rules.” I understand there needs to be some in place to keep it orderly, but let’s be honest, most of us here are rule breakers by nature.
I will absolutely 100% take this under advisement. For now we're going to do a few weeks like this. Just so that we can say we ran the experiment and that everyone had the same experience but, rest assured that we are watching and scoping for feedback, you're a comment is important and has lots of feedback in it, we'll see how it goes. If it turns out not to make everybody happy that I think the next experiment would be definitely what you said, splitting it up. Thanks for understanding and for your patience! We were getting a lot of complaints in mod males from people with all their shower thought posts being removed and suggesting exactly this solution. So that's what we're trying, but maybe on the third week, at the end, we'll try it your way, and actually have two stickies. I personally don't want two stickies, but that's just from some silly aesthetic concern, if it turns out that's what works, the mods will be happy to do it that way!
So don't worry about anything, everything will be okay.... Eventually
It’s somewhat rude to call someone a comment.
u/bubble_bursts will be here, surely! I think c5 forgot to toggle the sort option though
It wouldn't take. I changed it over and over but it would be gone on reload all the time. Finally got it to stay.
Gotcha, looks to be working!o7
Great questions