stock market is virtual, silver paper is virtual, gold paper is virtual, movies in the cloud are virtual, music in the cloud is virtual... sure it is on a hard drive somewhere and inside a data center(s) but these companies signed the green new deal, and this is required to lower demand on power and such.
for the greater good of the darkness that is now seen as the light we need to erase what we need to.
all the paid shills on youtube and medias will justify it as they are required to as being for the greater good of the light. it will help with climate change for sure.
it is a thing of marketing. for me i am always late to many things. those are one of them. i would still use cash if others would. I am not a leader nor am i a sheep. independently i would eventually go that route, but i have a hard time with virtual even though i have lived in telecom for decades.
if i saw a digital wallet next to another digital wallet i would look at both as a device that is the same.
if i saw a chest full of gold or silver and another chest full of copper, i would see value outside of the chest.
the hang up people have with physical gold/silver is they believe they are entitled to get full value of the gold/silver, but just as if one sells their stock, home, car, boat, or any other asset they will pay a percentage of the asset to sell it off.
if i was to sell a digital wallet or buy a digital wallet i can definitely see there could be value, but it is virtual. i can see it is capable of being fake just as silver and gold can also be fake. fake can also be hacked.
stock market is virtual, silver paper is virtual, gold paper is virtual, movies in the cloud are virtual, music in the cloud is virtual... sure it is on a hard drive somewhere and inside a data center(s) but these companies signed the green new deal, and this is required to lower demand on power and such.
for the greater good of the darkness that is now seen as the light we need to erase what we need to.
all the paid shills on youtube and medias will justify it as they are required to as being for the greater good of the light. it will help with climate change for sure.
Stocks need to become NFTs. No more synthetic shorting trickery.
non-fungible token (nft)
it is a thing of marketing. for me i am always late to many things. those are one of them. i would still use cash if others would. I am not a leader nor am i a sheep. independently i would eventually go that route, but i have a hard time with virtual even though i have lived in telecom for decades.
if i saw a digital wallet next to another digital wallet i would look at both as a device that is the same.
if i saw a chest full of gold or silver and another chest full of copper, i would see value outside of the chest.
the hang up people have with physical gold/silver is they believe they are entitled to get full value of the gold/silver, but just as if one sells their stock, home, car, boat, or any other asset they will pay a percentage of the asset to sell it off.
if i was to sell a digital wallet or buy a digital wallet i can definitely see there could be value, but it is virtual. i can see it is capable of being fake just as silver and gold can also be fake. fake can also be hacked.