From Prophecies, words and fulfillment on FB Pagan or Sacred?🎄🎄 The people cry out in the temple why am I not being blessed? What pagan practices and holidays has the people bound under a curse. Why are the 10 commandments , the communion table and cross not displayed? Pagan trees replace what is sacred, elevated on the alter, facing you as you worship and sing. How does this honor the Lord? Read the word of God , pagans sacrificed and worshiped under every green trees. Placing the crib between a cluster of trees, which entity are you serving up the child to as you worship and sing? Occult practices for years have placed the church under a curse. No deliverance is offered, the people lack purity and believe they are clean. Poverty of spirit, broken finances and families line the pews. The Holy Spirit is not welcome, the temple is not clean. The leaders will be held accountable to allow the alter to be defiled. The people remain blinded as to what spirit is operating . The people remain sick and broken hearted, the leaders offer false peace void of the Father. Come up to the alter, allow us to pray, false peace offered and only obtained through the words spoken over you whose hands are not holy , choosing not to obey. Do you really want to receive prayers from those that choose to replace what is sacred with pagan objects? Separate, repent and be set free. Deliverance, God’s promises all start at the cross and not a crowded alter of trees.
Comments (26)
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Everything God created like trees is good. It is what man does that makes the difference. I dont care if other people turn God's creation into something else. They can and will answer for their own hearts, I dont judge. I dont have to follow them. Sure I have a small tree but it is covered with religion based ornaments and if 1 sees it and at least contemplates I'm happy with that.
Sure I happily give gifts at Christmas as did the Magi. Its biblical. What do you have against that? I also give birthday presents. Is that pagan too?
'Poverty of spirit, broken finances and families line the pews'. Are you saying the poor and broken families should NOT go to church? Should not praise the Lord whatever their circumstances?
"God’s promises all start at the cross and not a crowded alter of trees." Actually God's promise starts with Christmas; without that there would be no Crucifixion and Resurrection. The cross is the fulfilment of God's promises. Were you there when they nailed him to the tree. So are you saying this hymn is pagan?
i am simply sharing what the Holy Spirit speaks to me and prompts me to share it is your to do what you will with it. let the Lord speak to your heart, or not. That is between you and God.
Good response sis. Yes some might need to hear this. For others Christmas and Christ are one. It's a heart issue deep down
Jeremiah 10 clearly shows us what God thinks of these trees. Furthermore the fact that most of Christmas celebrations come from pagan feasts shows that the celebration in any way is an abomination to the most High. Sadly most will never accept this simple truth as it would require a true believer to deny their flesh. If the day was so important for Christians to celebrate it, then His Word would clearly shows us that. People can tell themselves whatever they like to justify celebrating the day. All that matters is what Jehovah God thinks about it. Jeremiah 10 is a good start to learn what the Father says on the matter.
Oof. The leaps of logic in that statement. Brutal garbage.
The bible says that what satan uses for evil, He will use for good. Christmas started out as a pagan holiday and was actually banned in the US until the mid 1800s. It has now turned into a Christian celebration and i do believe God sees and accepts this.
does it say that? i love that. multiple meanings exist..
Please see my response to taran77
Amen to this. People need to stop BASHING each other over religious dogma because in fact it drives seekers farther away from Yeshua. The term "wet blanket" comes to mind.
hey buddy, I feel you on the whole page thing about Christmas trees, but I'd rather see Christmas trees than a menorah for 8 days or no traditional American Christmas decorations for the holiday. plus we also have to compete with Muslims in this country
Please see my response to taran77
They crucified Jesus on a cross made from a tree but you’re up for that symbol. Something tells me that while man looketh on the outward appearance, the Lord looks at their hearts.
He does and think about it, did Jesus choose a cross to die on, or wicked man?
Hey bro I’m just telling you what God told me about what God told you. Don’t get defensive about it.
I’m not (and I’m a Sister.) I’m agreeing with you to an extent and Jesus didn’t choose the cross. The Roman soldiers did. His own people called for His crucifixion
Let’s try straw. As in strawman. Cause nobody is worshipping their Christmas tree no matter what your boogeyman pagans did and your point is lost on reality. God told me he looketh upon the heart. Your argument smacks of dogmatic Catholicism and it’s not compelling.
Not Catholic. (I have several serious issues with Catholicism which I have mever been). Not any Denomination anymore. Born again on fire for Jesus is what I am. If anything, I lean toward Pentacostal. I’m so done with denominations, doctrines and hypocracy religious legalism. I inly share what the Lord speaks to me. I believe the entire word of God (Holy Bible) to be true, alive and relevant and therein lies my issue with amy denomination. Each focuses in parts of the Bible and leaves out certain parts (the tough subjects, condemning sin, the grace of Jesus, the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, prophecy, end times etc.) Then there are the ones like Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses who all start out with the right things then veer off in strange bunny trails with things not in the Bible.
Not making a compelling argument either. Nobody’s worshipping trees. We’re celebrating his birth, not his crucifixion.
Just pray on it and dig into the wors. It’ss not for me to decide your life or decisions, that’s between you and God. Just being obedient when He shows me things