Anons as I write this please take a minute today and PRAY and Remember those who Served and are Serving today. More than anything today we owe thanks and gratitude to those who Served and also to Americas Greatest Generation for what they did for our Country and The World. The entire World owes them thanks. As I write this it brings tears to my eyes frens for their sacrifices to us and the world. If we would not have stop that evil it would be a very different world we would be living in today. So I salute them all and everyone of you who are fighting the good fight then and today.
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Sorry to tell you this, but we didn't stop the evil. The evil was being extinguished, and we breathed life back into it. Now it's been festering for the past 80 years, and rearing it's ugly once again destroying our society. If the evil had been stamped out back then we wouldn't be dealing with what we are dealing with currently.
And you think the world would have been a better place if Hitler had been successful in taking over all of Europe, including the British Isles (and later, either trying to invade U.S., or just nuking it)?
What if there was no deep state and central banks? What if each nation had more independence and sovereignty? What if leaders didnt kneel to the WHO and WEF and instead served their own nations people. I dont know if it would be a better place, but there might have been a path to a better place there.