Q made a statement that the children will unite the people. I am actually rather skeptical of this. I know images of fully developed aborted babies does nothing to change the hearts of the pro abortion bunch.
There are many children that have been taken hostage by Hamas and Pro Palestine people will tear these children's pictures from the walls.
On the other side, there are endless videos of crying injured Palestinian children shown on TV and I have seen many comments from the Pro Israeli side saying "they are not innocent. They are Palestinian. They should all be killed."
Sorry for my pessimism, but I feel the hope that images of trafficked children may ultimately unite the people seems a little naive. I'm hoping to be more optimistic about this, but my observation is that tribalism always comes in first place.
Hope someone can convince me otherwise.
The reality is many people just don't care that much about anything outside their personal circle.
Even parents are not always good...
My father punched my mother in the belly when pregnant with me. I have a lazy eye from that. The baby after me died at 4 days. We were both premies...
My mother was a drunk as well and had at least 6 men in her life that were as well and beat her up. We lived about 50 places as children, and were dumped of at Gram and Pops several times, for years at a time, when mom ran away from her financially messed up life.
I had eye exercises as a child, mom had me do them a few times then never after that. Beer and cigarettes were not a problem, but there was a time there was no frigging food in the fridge.
That's just a portion...
In poor countries people sell their children, knowing what will happen to them. Heck, people (who were childless) tried to buy me from my mother. She didn't sell, but fuck, she hung out with them afterwards, I was 10... Note they eventually bought a child, but that's another story.
Even here on GAW a lot of info regarding children and abuse gets less engagement than other topics.
I really hope the plan includes slapping people in the face with photos and film of the people who are in the public eye doing their Satanic crap. Frazzled. rip if thats real.