Forwarding info directly from Petrovsky's Telegram post.
It has just been brought to our attention that there has been a call for submissions for the Covid Inquiry from the Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet - however we only have until the 15th December to get any submissions in. This is clearly deliberate as this inquiry is intended to be a complete whitewash.
We strongly urge everyone to submit a response requesting a proper Royal Commission for a proper investigation into; corrupt vaccine procurement and secret contracts; mask mandates; lock downs; vaccine mandates, official misinformation and lies in the media regarding the ability of vaccines to block transmission, vaccine injuries; media censorship, silencing of doctors, the role of AHPRA and ATAGI in censorship and oppression of doctors, and the poor treatment of victims. Whatever impacted you the most. It is about numbers here and letting the Government know that even though this inquiry is clearly a whitewash the community is not happy and is demanding answers that only a Royal Commission can deliver.
The government clearly don't want a Royal Commission because they don't have clean hands and have so much to hide. What you submit can be short and even just a list of dot points - the important thing is as many submissions are made as possible before Albanese's ridiculous deadline next week.
Let our voices be heard!
This may be an assumption here, as the wayback archive has an instance at least on Nov 6, and who knows how long the page was up before then?
Also, the inquiry itself was announced on September 21, and that date is there on the leading web page. So we might conclude that the submissions have been doable for around 3 months.
That's not to say that its planned to be a white wash. I mean, dur. Of course.
But I'm just saying don't assume that submission were announced last week because this is when it came to your attention.
Anyway, thanks for the post, Dropbear. Updoogle.
Thanks for digging that info Fract. I wondered that too, but decided just to post it verbatim from the Telegram source (as it was obviously time sensitive given the upcoming deadline), rather than add any additional commentary myself.
All good. Thanks for posting the info!
The point of a Royal Commission is for the government to act like it’s doing something while it drags its feet until it can quietly release a watered down report years later after interest has died down. Source: I’m Canadian