The q op seems to be meant to tie all the multiple fronts of this war to one. 45s life is on the line and so is the deep states. This is a battle to the death and the DS greed and mistakes are being exposed. They had to charge hunter to avoid the deposition. All that does is kick the can and unify and tie hunter and joe together. They are truly running out of moves on the board. I CANT STRESS ENOUGH NOW IS THE TIME TO BE VIGILANT. A cornered animal and something about teeth... the noose will get tighter every day. Will we see a president mike johnson? Kamala seems clean in the public eye and that cant happen so i wonder abt that. Seems Trump will be vindicated and by then the DS will be fully exposed. I wonder if there will be a point when they really push the evil stuff they have been doing. The financial stuff and the two tiered system is great but that wont purge they evil out of the gov. There has to be something more. Not to fret though becausw everything in the q drops has been very very accurate so far. What a wonderful thing to witness. Thank you lord for openong my eyes to this in late 2021. There is the potentiality here to truly change the world. Im also curious to see how everything will end in isreal. Any thoughts guys. Ive been here a long time. And through the other sites all the way back to 8chan. My score is low because i only communicate on this .win site... but for one site its pretty good i gotta say. Anyway pepe gripe aside 😗😗 this is quite an experience and we are getting the the top of the rollar coaster, its almost time for the real ride o7
These habbenings are a BEAUT. The trap has sprung!
their hyperbole!