This info war is really demoralizing sometimes. You think you find something authentic and then its attacked by someone you thought was authentic, and then you don't know what to think. I thought AJ was Mossad. But also thought Tucker was probably a good guy. But then Tucker kind of embraces AJ. Who also interviewed General Flynn. Q appears to support Flynn but not AJ.
Anyhoo, I listen to DEFECTED and DEVOLUTION POWER HOUR on Badlands, and they often mention this Kate Awakening person. So I just entered Kate Awakening into the search bar here at GA to find out what her deal was, because there's not a lot of easily searchable stuff for her real name on the internet. Only to find that a year ago there were questions regarding her connections to MOSSAD and Playboy, etc. Which of course implicates Patel Patriot, right? Reminds me of when people were talking about Papadopolous's wife being his handler. Does anyone know what if anything ever came of those accusations?
Here is a link to a discussion that took place on this last year:
I've leaned 100% into Trump since 2016. Support for Israel is a non-starter. I thought maybe Trump was just paying lip-service, but when you investigate his history, his cabinet, his fundraisers, Zionist praise/awards....etc, it's pretty clear.
Have you noticed that 99% of alt-right media is supporting Israel? These are the same people who supported Trump.
I used to roll my eyes at people who said Q was Operation Trust 2.0, but heck maybe it is.
One of the major goals of the elite is to create a world war 3 between Israel/Jews/Christians and Muslims. Just one mega-holy war to wipe out the religious masses as means to their transhumanist ends. The highest level Zionists aren't actually Jewish, it's just propaganda. They have no problem wiping out Jews for international sympathy points. Right now Trump is playing up this propaganda for war BIG TIME.
President Trump is on record supporting the people of Israel AND the people of Palestine.
He went to Gaza and met personally with Abbas, who he praised. In the same interview he said his impression after talking with Abbas and Nethanayu was that it was Team Netanyahu who didn't want peace.
There are countless comments on video of President Trump having a mature, knowledgeable and Realpolitik savvy understanding of Israel, as he does with every country and people.
Hopefully some of his Israelphilic and Israelphobic "supporters" will become more like him and consequently less vulnerable to psywar manipulation.
Again, I believe Trump has earned the benefit of the doubt on certain public statements and actions as being tactical in nature, and not necessarily being reflective of his true feelings or plans behind the scenes. I don’t know enough about “zionists” or “zionism” personally to weigh in on whether support for it/them is truly a bad thing or not. The Jews are a tricky topic for me, as it’s clear they’ve been infiltrated by Satanists, and yet, I highly doubt they’re all Satanists.
Mormons actually provide a decent parallel of why this is so tricky. I was raised Mormon/LDS. The LDS church is the largest offshoot from the original church founded by Joseph Smith. When Smith died, several people believed they should succeed him, and all seemingly had decent sounding claims. This particular branch stems from those who chose to follow Brigham Young out of Nauvoo, Illinois across the plains into Mexico (now Utah). But two other groups formed at that same time. Since then, there have been several offshoots from all three branches, which is a cause for a lot of confusion for those who don’t belong to any of them, as members from different sects have found their way into the headlines over the years. What makes a Mormon a Mormon? Members of the LDS Church are quick to assert their ownership of that title (although they waffle back and forth on whether or not to call themselves that, and whether to refer to their church as the Mormon church, as it has been colloquially known for ages by non-members around the world—they even recently changed the name of the world renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir as “The Choir at Temple Square.”) Meanwhile, other offshoots claim the Brigham Young offshoot was either always illegitimate, or lost the “priesthood authority” that Brigham supposedly possessed for a variety of different reasons. The LDS Church no longer practices polygamy, but other sects do. Many of these sects still call themselves Mormons, but who’s to say really?
Now, Joseph Smith founded his church in 1830. If that much confusion exists for that group in less than just 200 years, imagine the clusterfuck that exercise would be for the Jews, who have been around at least twenty times that long.
Parsing out the good guys from the bad guys is not a simple thing, so if Trump seems to be supporting a particular faction…neat. That’s all I can really say about it. Because the way I see it is this: either he’s right in doing so or he’s not. And there’s always the chance he voices public support for them the same way he has for others that turned out to hang themselves with the public rope he’s given them. But as far as I can tell, Trump is the only politician who has earned my trust to the point where, for now anyway, I assume that whether I agree with his apparent stance on something or not (see: the vaccine), I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on his real reasons for doing so. In fact, I always felt his stance on the vaccine was him intentionally stepping out of that “prophet” role so many of us had sort of anointed him with in order to help make sure the movement grew intellectually stronger and more vigilant. And I feel like for the most part, we passed that test. I trust Trump’s intentions, until I don’t. His strange support for one Jewish offshoot that may or may not be the good guys notwithstanding.