Aha. So you are assuming that the submission of this letter is NOT something that Donald Trump or the White Hats want? is that the idea?
"Fisa goes both ways" Q3603
I think the assumption that this letter must be bad, that it helps the DS, and therefore, that signatories must be deep state is very simplistic. I understand that people can think like that, but it seems way too simplistic and well, naive to me. But I guess that's mixed in with a lot of my own conclusions and beliefs about "what is going on".
For example, I'm def. of the school, and confident, that Barr is certainly cooperating with Trump. Nunes there can be no real question about, or Ratcliff. And the only reason I might doubt Pompeo is because of Tucker's recent statements, but in themselves, they are not enough for me to feel conclusive in any way that DJT does not trust Pompeo.
And believing someone is DS just because they lost weight, or that them losing weight shows they are somehow deep state, well, that seems pretty dumb to me (no offense). I think Q would want us to practice freedom of thought:
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
Personally, I'm 100% confident that things are going the way 'we' want them. The signs of the winning are everywhere. But its narrative warfare, and there are MANY layers to the narratives, and different groups get attached to different layers.
For example, Con Inc aka the Establishment "conservative" voices want everyone to believe that NOT impeaching Biden, NOT doing it yesterday, and that Biden in office itself is a really bad thing (something we should all doom about).
But in reality, Biden in the Oval Office is absolutely brilliant and wonderful from the viewpoint of the Plan, the Q operation, the awakening of the public (esp. central people and even now folks on the left), from the viewpoint of the 2024 election. That last one should be obvious, because IF they actually try to steal the election again and EVEN if they so-called 'succeeded', absolutely NO ONE would buy it. Because even the left hate Biden in the office now. But they cannot just get rid of him, because they spent the last 3-4 years telling everyone ON the left that Biden was going to be so different and do so well compared to Trump.
Biden is the perfect campaign opponent for Trump. Biden is EVERYTHING the establishment tried to tell America that Trump was, narratives which have been in collapse since the day Biden took office. So running against Biden in 2024 is exactly what Trump, and maga, should want.
Particular if Trump put in place some sort of devolution continuity plan, it means a lot of the key, critical functions of the govt and nation are actually safe, protected, while the exposure and disclosure phase all plays out (2021-2025).
Anyway, as for "the way we believe they are going", I'm not sure who you include in "we" there, as I can only see a LOT of diversity among anons as to how they understand and believe how things are going, and I'm wondering if you're not assuming that everyone believes or sees things the way you do.
Diversity of belief and thought are a good thing, if we are open to discussion, learning, and aren't overly protective of our own rigid beliefs, imo.
No, I’m not seeing that everyone thinks the way I do. Thank you for your “pretty dumb, no offense” comment. I’m far beyond what you believe. And, for the comment about Pompeo and losing weight, I’m not cutting on him.-I’m using this as a reference regarding time. In other words, Pompeo started waffling regarding Trump at about the same time as we see the “new and improved” Pompeo. Both of these coincide but thank you for your assumptions. I’m pretty dumbfounded at what this has been interpreted as. I’m saying that if you want some
of us old timers to buy what the letter is trying to sell, try harder. My comment was a hint to where they,(the DS), need to focus.
P.S.-I believe that the plan is going exactly as planned.
Thanks for the reply. And, i want to apologize for the pretty dumb comment. I don't really mean it to be offensive. I do some pretty dumb things and have some pretty dumb ideas myself.
I guess I may have just read your comments too briefly, and interpreted them in ways not intended.
I'm glad to have any mistaken assumptions pointed out! Sometimes you have to make assumptions in order to advance ideas. But we should always be ready to recognize assumptions for what they are, and not pretend or treat them as facts.
Glad to have the exchange. Hopefully next time the wavelengths will coincide a bit better! Again, thanks for the reply.
Aha. So you are assuming that the submission of this letter is NOT something that Donald Trump or the White Hats want? is that the idea?
"Fisa goes both ways" Q3603
I think the assumption that this letter must be bad, that it helps the DS, and therefore, that signatories must be deep state is very simplistic. I understand that people can think like that, but it seems way too simplistic and well, naive to me. But I guess that's mixed in with a lot of my own conclusions and beliefs about "what is going on".
For example, I'm def. of the school, and confident, that Barr is certainly cooperating with Trump. Nunes there can be no real question about, or Ratcliff. And the only reason I might doubt Pompeo is because of Tucker's recent statements, but in themselves, they are not enough for me to feel conclusive in any way that DJT does not trust Pompeo.
And believing someone is DS just because they lost weight, or that them losing weight shows they are somehow deep state, well, that seems pretty dumb to me (no offense). I think Q would want us to practice freedom of thought:
Personally, I'm 100% confident that things are going the way 'we' want them. The signs of the winning are everywhere. But its narrative warfare, and there are MANY layers to the narratives, and different groups get attached to different layers.
For example, Con Inc aka the Establishment "conservative" voices want everyone to believe that NOT impeaching Biden, NOT doing it yesterday, and that Biden in office itself is a really bad thing (something we should all doom about).
But in reality, Biden in the Oval Office is absolutely brilliant and wonderful from the viewpoint of the Plan, the Q operation, the awakening of the public (esp. central people and even now folks on the left), from the viewpoint of the 2024 election. That last one should be obvious, because IF they actually try to steal the election again and EVEN if they so-called 'succeeded', absolutely NO ONE would buy it. Because even the left hate Biden in the office now. But they cannot just get rid of him, because they spent the last 3-4 years telling everyone ON the left that Biden was going to be so different and do so well compared to Trump.
Biden is the perfect campaign opponent for Trump. Biden is EVERYTHING the establishment tried to tell America that Trump was, narratives which have been in collapse since the day Biden took office. So running against Biden in 2024 is exactly what Trump, and maga, should want.
Particular if Trump put in place some sort of devolution continuity plan, it means a lot of the key, critical functions of the govt and nation are actually safe, protected, while the exposure and disclosure phase all plays out (2021-2025).
Anyway, as for "the way we believe they are going", I'm not sure who you include in "we" there, as I can only see a LOT of diversity among anons as to how they understand and believe how things are going, and I'm wondering if you're not assuming that everyone believes or sees things the way you do.
Diversity of belief and thought are a good thing, if we are open to discussion, learning, and aren't overly protective of our own rigid beliefs, imo.
No, I’m not seeing that everyone thinks the way I do. Thank you for your “pretty dumb, no offense” comment. I’m far beyond what you believe. And, for the comment about Pompeo and losing weight, I’m not cutting on him.-I’m using this as a reference regarding time. In other words, Pompeo started waffling regarding Trump at about the same time as we see the “new and improved” Pompeo. Both of these coincide but thank you for your assumptions. I’m pretty dumbfounded at what this has been interpreted as. I’m saying that if you want some of us old timers to buy what the letter is trying to sell, try harder. My comment was a hint to where they,(the DS), need to focus. P.S.-I believe that the plan is going exactly as planned.
Thanks for the reply. And, i want to apologize for the pretty dumb comment. I don't really mean it to be offensive. I do some pretty dumb things and have some pretty dumb ideas myself.
I guess I may have just read your comments too briefly, and interpreted them in ways not intended.
I'm glad to have any mistaken assumptions pointed out! Sometimes you have to make assumptions in order to advance ideas. But we should always be ready to recognize assumptions for what they are, and not pretend or treat them as facts.
Glad to have the exchange. Hopefully next time the wavelengths will coincide a bit better! Again, thanks for the reply.
Sounds great to me. Have a blessed day! We are all in this together. Floating ideas is how we get to the truth.