The subsidiary consideration of all political/legal action should be: Can the same result be achieved by less .gov intervention?
It requires to consider the hurt causing legislation in the first place.
So, if the issue of property taxes is hurting the populace, and subsequently leads to .gov revenue loss, that is a pity for .gov. but there really is but one solution: lower/ strike property taxes.
This decreases .gov outlays which is good for the treasury. It also decreases the admin burden of the populace and businesses by not only striking taxes but also simplifying the total body of taxes.
It reminds me of the Star Trek Strange New worlds series where there is some kind of illyrian sickness going amongst the crew. They notice that the Vit.D levels are quite low in those affected. Instead of providing Vit D they resort to even more draconian measures.
The subsidiary consideration of all political/legal action should be: Can the same result be achieved by less .gov intervention?
It requires to consider the hurt causing legislation in the first place.
So, if the issue of property taxes is hurting the populace, and subsequently leads to .gov revenue loss, that is a pity for .gov. but there really is but one solution: lower/ strike property taxes.
This decreases .gov outlays which is good for the treasury. It also decreases the admin burden of the populace and businesses by not only striking taxes but also simplifying the total body of taxes.
It reminds me of the Star Trek Strange New worlds series where there is some kind of illyrian sickness going amongst the crew. They notice that the Vit.D levels are quite low in those affected. Instead of providing Vit D they resort to even more draconian measures.
the stupidity is breathtaking.