46 Deep State Officials Including Rosenstein, Clapper and Morell Urge Congress to Pass HPSCI Version of FISA-702 Renewal to Expa...
For those confused. There are two bills to modify the FISA702 reauthorization in the House. (1) HR 6611 from the House Intel Committee and (2) HR 6570 from the House Judiciary Committee. The intel committee bill expands domestic surveillance authority un...
Larry Schweikart
Well, well. The voice of the people was heard. The House pulled both FISA bills after backlash.
Yeah I'm surprised nobody posted this yet.
I saw it posted about 330am CST, had a grand thought, then fell asleep.
So...take the bad one which expands power to anything that picks up activity and connect it to the new electric meters installed all over the nation. Seems that is the door to spying on everyone within their homes. Time for Faraday enclosures on the electric meter.
Any of these guys, besides James Clapper, who signed Bribing Bidan’s “laptop from hell” letter sign this letter? Cause I REALLLY” trust those dirtbags!💩
Anything POS Rosenstein is for, I'm against.