I know I'm in the minority, but I do not trust Tucker. He's on the MAGA train now because it's the only game in town. But even in his talk with Roseanne, he hems and haws about how he has been in the center of the cabal and he had NO IDEA what was going on. It's embarrassing to listen to. I'm glad he is dispensing red pills now, but I don't trust him in Trump's inner circle. And I know Trump knows more than I do so I'm sure he knows the sleepers. We shall see. I hope I'm wrong.
I think Tucker is much the same as a Joe Rogan in this way. I also believe Rogan knew more earlier than he let on, but both Rogan and Tucker and even Elon are needed for the slowly waking normies to follow along with. they cant jump straight into a truth spitter like an AJ or Isaac Kappy or Q. my money is on Tucker knowingly playing this role to slowly wake the normies out of their slumber
I concur. They had to play dumb to attract and blend in with dumb.
Then they pretend to ask questions and have epiphanies so sheep will do the same along side them. Basically tricking them into taking red pills.
It is the equivalent of our Mom's tricking us as kids by putting something sweet on our greens so we consume them. Yes they tricked us, but as adults we learned it was for our own good.
We do not talk to 6 yr olds the way we do adults. We stoop to their level and speak in terms they can understand. Sheep being reeducated and don't even realize it - lol. Brilliant.
"All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
Socrates may know nothing, but Shakespeare was pretty wise. 😉
Not everyone reaches the inner circles, and for someone like Tucker who at least demonstrates a good moral compass, it would make sense for them to keep him at arm's length.. but within reach by employing him and simply restricting stories.
I thought the whole point of all this was to red pill people who used to think differently. If you don't trust Tucker, can you give us an example of someone who was not MAGA, but now is red pilled, that you do trust.
I know I'm in the minority, but I do not trust Tucker. He's on the MAGA train now because it's the only game in town. But even in his talk with Roseanne, he hems and haws about how he has been in the center of the cabal and he had NO IDEA what was going on. It's embarrassing to listen to. I'm glad he is dispensing red pills now, but I don't trust him in Trump's inner circle. And I know Trump knows more than I do so I'm sure he knows the sleepers. We shall see. I hope I'm wrong.
Yeah, I don't think he's as clueless as he makes himself out to be, so I retain a bit of trepidation, but I'll keep hoping!
I think Tucker is much the same as a Joe Rogan in this way. I also believe Rogan knew more earlier than he let on, but both Rogan and Tucker and even Elon are needed for the slowly waking normies to follow along with. they cant jump straight into a truth spitter like an AJ or Isaac Kappy or Q. my money is on Tucker knowingly playing this role to slowly wake the normies out of their slumber
I concur. They had to play dumb to attract and blend in with dumb.
Then they pretend to ask questions and have epiphanies so sheep will do the same along side them. Basically tricking them into taking red pills.
It is the equivalent of our Mom's tricking us as kids by putting something sweet on our greens so we consume them. Yes they tricked us, but as adults we learned it was for our own good.
We do not talk to 6 yr olds the way we do adults. We stoop to their level and speak in terms they can understand. Sheep being reeducated and don't even realize it - lol. Brilliant.
Socrates may know nothing, but Shakespeare was pretty wise. 😉
indeed! kek
one of my favorite quotes which is attributed to Socrates is presented in various forms but has the same ultimate message: "I know only one thing: that I know nothing". a statement of humility. https://reasonandmeaning.com/2019/11/03/socrates-i-know-that-i-know-nothing/
Not everyone reaches the inner circles, and for someone like Tucker who at least demonstrates a good moral compass, it would make sense for them to keep him at arm's length.. but within reach by employing him and simply restricting stories.
Smart to be cautious of Tucker. His father was president of voice of America for 5 years.
That means his father was CIA.
How far does the apple fall from the tree?
We will find out in time, but by then?
Might be too late.
Tucker has said that he tried to get into the CIA, but was rejected. 🤔
That would make a nice cover.
Indeed it would.
You're not
I thought the whole point of all this was to red pill people who used to think differently. If you don't trust Tucker, can you give us an example of someone who was not MAGA, but now is red pilled, that you do trust.