posted ago by tobeselfevident ago by tobeselfevident +51 / -0

all the Vatican's gold while gold and silver prices continue to be suppressed, GME looming, and Trump's promise to build 5 new super cities and have a year-long holiday to celebrate America......suggests to me that there might be something to this whole NESARA/Jubilee year thing after all.

What better way to send the international bankers packing and ring in a new age of freedom and sound money than to seize all their assets and forgive Americans of all the debts we owe them and let us keep the assets we were never meant to keep because of the heinous practice of predatory usury and hyper-taxation through which the bankers ensnared and enslaved so many of our citizens for so many generations?

I know some people here hate the idea of debt forgiveness, usually because it would contribute to inflation and because our tax dollars are generally used to pay for the benefits freeloaders enjoy in the old system, but if we're going to start a new system, where ownership is truly ownership, where taxes are low, if not non-existent (don't need taxes when you can print money for public works and inject it into the economy by hiring private companies to complete the projects), but would anybody here really be opposed to this?

Sure, maybe you played this particular rigged game better than others, but there's no denying the game was rigged. And with sound money moving forward, why hold it against one another that we get to keep the cars, houses, land, and other assets we financed when there was really no other reasonable way to acquire them for our families?

I'd certainly be down for that. And something tells me, based on the aformentioned reasons, and the insistence by Donald Trump that "the best is yet to come" that's exactly what's going to happen. How else is the whole country going to be able to enjoy a YEAR LONG HOLIDAY?