Another Etsy "pizza" digital ad with suggestive name and imagery
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Go ahead and report back what you learn.
I sure wouldn't create a fake pedo account.
I'm not sure what would make it a fake pedo account.
All I'm saying is I can make an AI image of a kid eating pizza and people on this site will eat it up. It will get stickied as further evidence and yet it will just be me posting it, for kicks. You get that I can whatever and take a screenshot, right?
Yeah, no. We are not that dumb. Many of us went on the Etsy website and found the above item is listed as 'for sale'. It isn't a troll photo. It's an actual listing of an item being 'offered for sale' on their website.
I buy handmade items from Etsy and can sign in easily at look at items for sale. All of these pedo listing that have been brought to the board in the last couple of days are actual listings of 'items for sale' that I personally verified.
If you want to set up a seller's account on Etsy and post imagery like this, I think you would be very foolish and may expect a knock on your door by a 3-letter agency.
Yes, and I can make one of those. Etsy is a site that hosts independent shops. Anyone can make an account and post something for sale.
There's no crime for posting in image of a kid eating pizza and overcharging for it.