Another Etsy "pizza" digital ad with suggestive name and imagery
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Because it's incredibly obvious how it's designed to rile up people who are already looking for pizza symbolism, especially in online retail sites.
I mean, it's not hard for someone to just...make that. For fun. Is there any sale made? Has there been any delivery? All we have is screenshots of posts that got quickly removed.
If they were spam, they'd be treated the same way.
I also thought it was a plant as u say , but these are sick bastards that do this ,, nothing normal about these freaks !! Plus , it really does happen , so praying for the children is always good !!!but u probably r right ,, but on the other hand, it’s the kind of sick ARTWORK these bastards would buy .
They are getting removed because we are reporting them to Etsy. I personally reported them.
Also, Liz Crokin posted about this on Twitter/X and I'm sure many of her hundreds of thousands of followers also reported them to Etsy.
Okay great, then the system they have in place is working. Someone, like you, is reporting spam, and then they delete it.
Your main issue seems to be the content of the spam.