205 Scientists reveal that mRNA recipients are now seeing significant personality changes that are uncannily identical to the side effects of having a lobotomy. (threadreaderapp.com) posted 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser +205 / -0 Thread by @JoshWhoX on Thread Reader App @JoshWhoX: 🚨Scientists Warn That mRNA Recipients Are Now Seeing Significant Personality Changes‼️ Significant personality changes that are uncannily identical to the unfavorable side effects of having a lobotomy are...… 61 comments share 61 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Lol so true. And they're impossible to be around anymore without either feeling bad for their mental state or pissed off at their existence.
I lean at pissed toward their stupidty.