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Multiculturalism: A Form of Colonization and Occupation | A tale of two cities I lived in. by Ahmed Anwar (Mulsim-background Christian)


First person account of living in Britain, by a Pakistani Muslim-background convert to Christianity who is now a patriotic Brit pushing back against uncontrolled immigration:

In previous articles, I have gone into detail about how attending the mosque as a Muslim is different from attending the church as a Christian, as well as my complicated family life as an ex-Muslim Christian. What I want to talk about in this article is my experience with multiculturalism in Britain. ...

Makes a distinction between multiculturalism and multi-racism--basically, "culture matters; colour does not":

... Multiracial societies can work if all races agree to abide by the same rules, laws and be on the same team. Multiculturalism however, enables people to go by their own rules, laws and play their own game, and we’ve seen the effects of it. ...

... But what I find incredibly frustrating is when I see toxic, divisive race baiters like Sadiq Khan, Humza Yousaf, Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, Bushra Shaikh and Narinda Kaur. They’re all of a minority background and they constantly blame white people for society’s ills. The white man is the boogeyman in their twisted worldview. I am so sick and tired of having these clowns as my representatives because I don’t agree with them at all. ...

But there is pushback even in the very "woke" UK:

... The good thing is that there are minority voices who are speaking out against critical race theory and the anti-white agenda, such as Calvin Robinson, Nana Akua, Mahyar Tousi, Konstantin Kisin, Benyamin Naeem Habib and many others. Those figures are far better examples of minority voices than the toxic race baiters. ...

I'd never heard of any of these folks, but these MAY be links (can't be sure):

  • Calvin Robinson https://www.calvinrobinson.com/ "The Rev'd Fr Calvin Robinson is a political adviser, TV/radio presenter, and conservative commentator. Fr Robinson is a priest with Old Catholic orders, serving in an Anglican parish."

  • Nana Akua https://www.gbnews.com/presenters/nana-akua/ Black conservative woman with her own show on GB News

  • Mahyar Tousi https://www.theguardian.com/profile/mahyar-tousi "Mahyar Tousi is a Conservative activist who stood in the 2014 local elections. He has held a number of roles in the party throughout the years and helped campaign during the 2015 general election."

  • Konstantin Kisin https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/ "TRIGGERnometry is a free speech YouTube show and podcast. Comedians Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster create fun-but-serious conversations with fascinating guests, including former Presidential advisors and political experts, leading economists, psychologists, journalists, social and cultural commentators, YouTubers and others. We give our guests a chance to say what they think and explain why."

  • Benyamin Naeem Habib https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197642/BEN_HABIB/history/9 Pakistani-born former MEP with the Brexit party. From the main article:

... Benyamin Naeem Habib in particular is a great example because even though he is of Pakistani heritage, he is a co-deputy leader of Reform UK, a nationalist political party that has been gaining some momentum. A lot of disillusioned Tory voters have left the Tory party to join Reform UK. ...

So, the hopeful news is that it is possible for immigrants, even from Muslim background (who are probably the most different from "western" culture) to not only integrate but become patriotic citizens of their new western lands:

... My Pakistani heritage has become so meaningless and irrelevant to me. My ancestors on both my mum and dad’s side of the family are many generations of Muslims and I am more than happy to put an end to this. I have decided to embrace British nationalism because I find that my values are more in line with the British than the people of my heritage. British nationalism is, in my opinion, the perfect solution to Islamisation. It is also an ingenious means of preserving Christianity under a secular framework since Christianity is deeply embedded in British culture and traditions.

As a Pakistani Christian, I think I speak for all Pakistani Christians when I say that I am not in favour of white Europeans being demographically replaced. ...

An interesting, and very hopeful, take on the situation in the UK, which is much more complex than I thought.