"King Manasseh and Child Sacrifice: Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities" by Francesca Stavrakopoulou
This forum primarily exists to discuss a secret war between Q and an entity which Q refers to as "them". We are left with the obvious question: who is "them"?
Wild speculation on the identity of "them" (sometimes referred to as "The Cabal") pervade the community of followers of Q. Q's statements about "them" suggest that "them" is a secret and old (how old?) group identifiable by several practices, one of which being various forms of child sacrifice (rape, cannibalism, etc.). Various contradictory speculations about "them", abound, including of the age of "them". We find suggestions that (1) "them" is fairly recent in history, perhaps a banking cabal from the last few centuries, or (2) that "them" is older, perhaps being integrated into the Catholic Church from Roman times, or (3) that "them" is even older still. Q is vague on this point.
On the nature of time and human culture:
Do ancient organizations live now?: One question I would like the reader to consider: we know that there were terrible societies/organization/religions/practices in ancient times (BCE), but what happened to them? Did they just "die out"? Can we be sure that they all "died out"? If so, how would you be so sure?
Humans behavior is cultural: I would like to suggest that people who assume that such ancient terrible practices died out are making an unwarranted assumption about the nature of time and human beings. Most animals largely operate on instinct, but humans are different: humans learn. The behavior of humans is largely due to their learned practices, not their inherent biology (which is quite similar across the world, despite superficial appearances). Therefore, to best predict the behavior of humans, we should look at what they have learned; over the scale of large numbers of people, this is called their culture.
Cultural practices are largely timeless: In other words, when we look at the past and how people behaved, if we want to know if people still behave that way, we should not look at how much calendar time has passed, we should instead look at if they retain the same culture. Culture can change but it often stabilizes and then does not change at all, and then changes suddenly in a cultural discontinuity.
Therefore cultural time is fundamentally different from calendar time: I therefore suggest that measuring time in boundaries of cultural discontinuities is a much better way to make a map of human behavior than just looking at what year it was then and what year it is now.
An example: in the 1937 the Japanese government conducted a terrible rape of the city of Nanjing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre and around 1960 the Chinese government conducted the "Great Leap Forward" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward . Each action killed many innocent people.
We may conclude that the Japanese and Chinese governments are therefore bad. Why then would we today be allies of the Japanese and not of the Chinese?
Well the Japanese government underwent a cultural discontinuity, they lost WWII, whereas the Chinese government did not, they are still the same Chinese Communist Party as they were then. As we can see, even though similar amounts of calendar time has passed, in the government of China cultural time has not passed, whereas in the government of Japan, it has.
Conjecturing that such a terrible organization as the "them" of which Q speaks could arise today may seem implausible, and so many doubt it. But we know for a fact from historical record that many such terrible practices were part of the cultures of the long calendar-time past. Could "them" be an ancient culture for which still lives in ancient cultural-time? For which culture-time has not passed?
I suggest for your consideration the writings of a real researcher, Francesca Stavrakopoulou https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesca_Stavrakopoulou : "Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Religion at the University of Exeter. The main focus of her research is on the Hebrew Bible, and on Israelite and Judahite history and religion." In particular, I think it is important to note that "Stavrakopoulou was brought up in no particular religion and is a self-described atheist." In other words, her scholarship is not inclined to be distorted by identifying personally with the subject matter.
I think this work of hers is of particular relevance:
The Hebrew Bible portrays King Manasseh and child sacrifice as the most reprehensible person and the most objectionable practice within the story of 'Israel'. This monograph suggests that historically, neither were as deviant as the Hebrew Bible appears to insist. Through careful historical reconstruction, it is argued that Manasseh was one of Judah's most successful monarchs, and child sacrifice played a central role in ancient Judahite religious practice. The biblical writers, motivated by ideological concerns, have thus deliberately distorted the truth about Manasseh and child sacrifice.
Further, from the book:
Indeed, a closer examination of the Hebrew Bible suggests that the offering of the firstborn to YHWH may well have included the sacrifice of human babies along with the offering of animals and crops. In spite of these text, the debate appears to have come full circle within modern scholarship with the relatively recent defence of the biblical concept of "Molek" as a foreign god of child sacrifice. However, contrary to this view, this study will argue that the identification of child sacrifice as a foreign element within Judahite religious practice is based on the distortion of the historical reality of child sacrifice within the Hebrew Bible. Furthermore, it will be argued that the academic acceptance of this biblical distortion as a historical probability reflects a persistent and unself-critical ideological bias within modern scholarship. Unlike most other areas of academic enquiry, the subject of child sacrifice is particularly susceptible to misrepresentation within modern scholarship because of its sensitive nature. The historical reality of child sacrifice in ancient (and indeed modern) civilizations is an unpleasant reality, particularly, as van der Horst comments, if such a practice is attested within a culture that has played some role in the formation of one's personal world-view. This may well account in part of the apparent reluctance within biblical scholarship to apply the perspectives of ideological criticism to the examination of the subject of child sacrifice and the Hebrew Bible. As Bergmann suggests:
"We have a particular difficultly in understanding this phenomenon because the Judeo-Christian tradition has accustomed us to regard God as an ego-ideal. Therefore how could God tolerate human sacrifices?"
As observed above, ideological criticism suggest that ideology generally exists within a dynamic context of opposition. In seeking to distinguish between the biblical portrayal of child sacrifice and the historical reality of this practice, this discussion will argue that the biblical material concerning child sacrifice is generally opposed o the historical reality that children were sacrificed to Yhwh, and that an "ideology of separateness" governs the biblical insistence that child sacrifice was a Canaanite practice. Moreover, it will be argued that child sacrifice played an important role within the royal Judahite cult, and that "Molek" is best understood as a biblical character making the historical reality of the sacrifice of children to Yhwh.
On the contrary, there is substantial evidence that points to purposeful manipulation of the text to promote YHWH (a son of El) to the creator (El, the Canaanite creator deity). For example, from the dead sea scrolls, Deut. 32:8-9:
This text was dated over two thousand years ago. The Masoretic text is much closer to the version we have:
But the earliest version of the Masoretic text is dated to around 1000AD, almost 1300 years after the quote from the dead sea scrolls. At some point in between, they changed it.
This is just the tip of the iceberg on this one. This is the best piece from the bible (most self-contained and easiest to show), but there are quite a few others that you can find. You have to look at actual archeological evidence (from Canaan and Sumer) for the very best stuff, but there is evidence literally all over the place.
Who told you that? Think about it. Who wrote the bible (original)? Who wrote the bible you read?
The answers to both of those questions are:
How do they rule the world?
Who told you what the truth is?
So Jeremiah was talking out of his ass when he said that the pantheon of pagan gods shouldn't be worshiped? Moses was a fabrication created after the Babylonian Captivity?
The sheer number of new testament manuscripts are greater than any other document from antiquity. "Muh kaffiolikz and Jooz" doesn't fly in the face of the staggering manuscript evidence.
I don't know. Why don't you ask Jeremiah what his motives were? Oh, that's right, you can't, because at best he has been dead for millennia and at worst he never existed. The people who wrote every book in the OT belonged to an aristocratic Priest Class who ruled the tribes of the region. No one doubts that. We know which group of people wrote the OT because it's written in the bible, and all of the archeological evidence supports it. It was a Priest Class that sat at the top of society. For their writing efforts they got a tenth of everyone's income, all the best cuts of meat, and the underclass's first born as temple slaves or for sacrifice (or a cash payment if you could afford it). THAT is who wrote the entire OT.
They also happen to be the same people who rule the world today.
Maybe the reason they pushed a fundamental change in doctrine has something to do with the result of their efforts?
Moses was probably someone, but probably not the person you think he was. At the least, the oldest books (that we have found) that describe the stories you believe are the absolute truth about him were written at least a thousand years (oldest texts) after he lived. The versions you believe in (which are different than those oldest texts (DSS) in some key ways) were written 2500 years or so after Moses. There is substantial evidence of changes in the texts.
Even there, there are substantial discrepancies in the texts found. There is substantial evidence of edits over the years. There are more books left out than included in the version you believe is "the whole truth" and almost the entire present day Christian dogma doesn't come from the words of Jesus, but from the narrative and interpretation of Saul the mass murdering Pharisee agent. All he had to do was give some story about "I met Jesus and changed my mind" and everyone believes it and allows his interpretations to literally rule the world.
That's what actually happened. None of those statements are controversial. The present day Christian dogma requires changing the evidence to fit the beliefs. It has Cabal fingerprints all over every step and people ignore all the evidence.
So Jesus was fake and gay? If that's what you believe, whatever. But if you don't believe that, why?
If the Bible is bullshit then you cannot seriously claim to be a Christian based on what the Bible says about Jesus.
Your statements on the OT are ignorant. The people who wrote the OT were killed by the ruling class because they called out their hypocrisy. Read the prophets sometime (ahem Malachi) because you clearly never have. If you think the OT is pro-ruling class you never read the damn thing
Editing this comment to LMAO about "Saul muh false apostle" tell me when the shuttle lands champ. Getting lashed over 100 times, imprisoned and executed for bullshit. Sure.
How did you get that from what I said? I said nothing like that. I am talking about Today's Christian dogma.
The modern day version has some serious issues. Who Jesus was, what he said, what he did, why he did it are all questions worth looking into. There is far more evidence that gives potential answers to those questions than are found in the small version you believe in, and all it's apparent fuckery.
They are based on thirty years of study on the topic. If you would like me to dig in and provide evidence, ask specific questions.
Do you agree the Priest Class wrote the books? If not, then which class of people did? Who had the training to write? Who had the ability to push their work into the public sphere and create the religion? Do you think some random shmuck could do that? Of course not. That is not how society works. You have to be near the top to be heard. And that's today. It was far worse with respect to the allowed actions by the social hierarchy at the time.
Did the Priest Class ever have issues with the Kings? Sure, of course. That doesn't mean they didn't sit at the top of society. For the most part the Priest Class of every ancient society was beyond the reach of the King. The real Rulers of society generally sit behind the scenes creating beliefs, then as today. Sometimes the King decides otherwise. That doesn't change the fundamental social structure.
Who told you that story?
Even if it is exactly true as told, why do you think that means he wasn't an agent, controlled opposition? Do you honestly believe the PTB care about their agents? They throw their own agents under the bus all the time, it's a part of their religion.