Also, the Catholic Church is the One True Church. You don't have some special knowledge of ancient deception or whatever. To keep it simple, God wouldn't have allowed such a thing because it would completely contradict His nature to do so.
This however…oh boy. How anyone can look around this world and decide that God would not allow mankind to exercise the agency he gave them for evil…there’s the great trick the Devil played on you right there.
Let's be very specific here: God would not allow our agency to impede His Will.
He would not allow for our agency to completely destroy any evidence of Him or His existence.
He would not reveal Himself to us without safeguarding this revelation.
If His intention was to come and die on the cross for our sins, He isn't going to let that disappear to the sands of time or the corruption of Men.
This makes no sense, and you can provide no justification for such a belief (in part, because you can't authoritatively justify anything ;)).
And none of this requires Him to impinge on our will. Just for Him to use those who are faithful to preserve His teachings forever and ever. So God preserves truth through His Church.
And this is exactly what we see. Everything that is believed today in western society came from the Church. You can dislike it all you want, but it's true. Every single thing about our modern society is the result of and built on the back of 2000 years of Church influence. And then people started ignoring the Church, and everything shortly went to shit in modern times. I wonder why?
Sorry, buddy, but the devil has played no tricks on anyone except the guy who thinks he is the arbiter of truth and who refuses to submit to the will of anyone else. You can phrase it as not submitting to the beliefs of other "men" or "groups", but the level of disdain you display for being "told what to believe" absolutely extends to God. You evidently want God to fit your beliefs, as so many do, rather than make your views fit God. And when that becomes the case, you don't worship God, but self, i.e. Satan.
Keep banging that drum, drummer boy. Maybe if you assert your opinion a little more forcefully we’ll all believe you this time. Oh right, who cares if we believe you? You did your job. Said what you had to say. and washed your hands like Pilate, right?
And try not invoking the Bible when you don't even believe it is the word of God.
You clearly can't be arsed to provide any rebuttal to anything I've claimed or any argument I've posed. Fair enough, but maybe get off the high horse if you aren't going to participate in honest debate.
I believe the Bible contains much of the word of God buddy. I’ll invoke it whenever I feel it says the truth. Had you the Holy Spirit, or knew how to access it, you’d know when it did and when it didn’t too.
This however…oh boy. How anyone can look around this world and decide that God would not allow mankind to exercise the agency he gave them for evil…there’s the great trick the Devil played on you right there.
Let's be very specific here: God would not allow our agency to impede His Will.
He would not allow for our agency to completely destroy any evidence of Him or His existence.
He would not reveal Himself to us without safeguarding this revelation.
If His intention was to come and die on the cross for our sins, He isn't going to let that disappear to the sands of time or the corruption of Men.
This makes no sense, and you can provide no justification for such a belief (in part, because you can't authoritatively justify anything ;)).
And none of this requires Him to impinge on our will. Just for Him to use those who are faithful to preserve His teachings forever and ever. So God preserves truth through His Church.
And this is exactly what we see. Everything that is believed today in western society came from the Church. You can dislike it all you want, but it's true. Every single thing about our modern society is the result of and built on the back of 2000 years of Church influence. And then people started ignoring the Church, and everything shortly went to shit in modern times. I wonder why?
Sorry, buddy, but the devil has played no tricks on anyone except the guy who thinks he is the arbiter of truth and who refuses to submit to the will of anyone else. You can phrase it as not submitting to the beliefs of other "men" or "groups", but the level of disdain you display for being "told what to believe" absolutely extends to God. You evidently want God to fit your beliefs, as so many do, rather than make your views fit God. And when that becomes the case, you don't worship God, but self, i.e. Satan.
Keep banging that drum, drummer boy. Maybe if you assert your opinion a little more forcefully we’ll all believe you this time. Oh right, who cares if we believe you? You did your job. Said what you had to say. and washed your hands like Pilate, right?
Nice counterargument, buddy.
And try not invoking the Bible when you don't even believe it is the word of God.
You clearly can't be arsed to provide any rebuttal to anything I've claimed or any argument I've posed. Fair enough, but maybe get off the high horse if you aren't going to participate in honest debate.
I believe the Bible contains much of the word of God buddy. I’ll invoke it whenever I feel it says the truth. Had you the Holy Spirit, or knew how to access it, you’d know when it did and when it didn’t too.