Do you agree with their decision to remove Trump from the 2024 election? [X poll, you know what to do, so far 73% votes disagree this decision]
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So Trump won't be on the ballot in Colorado in 2024 ?
Kudos for asking a question anon.
President Trump will DEFINITELY be on the ballot.
Colorado Supreme Courts ruling states that their ruling banning Trump is on hold until January 4 BUT will continue to be in affect if the ruling is appealed and ultimately decided by the SCOTUS.
President Trump's legal team has already publicly stated that they ARE appealing. Of course.
No appeals court ruling will be made until long after Colorado's primary is over.
Additionally, there is ZERO chance that the Colorado SC's suicidally moronic ruling to keep PDJT off the ballot will be upheld. And they all know it.
Only those who still don't understand the basics of lawfare, grasp that our adversaries are actually humanity despising psychopaths so they do NOT care about following any laws unless it helps them to do so and/or are still a bit psywar naive bought the narrative that the CO SC ruling == President Trump won't be on the ballot.
Hopefully every anon will view this "news" event and their reactions as a "How Psywar Savvy Are You?" diagnostic quiz.
Hopefully they will then use this event as an opportunity to gather intel.
By noticing how different people; including influencers, media sites AND politicians report and react to this "news".