Do you agree with their decision to remove Trump from the 2024 election? [X poll, you know what to do, so far 73% votes disagree this decision]
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Just 73% so far? Since 4 to 6% are irredeemable according to Q, this poll should finish between 94 to 96% when the voting stops (if a fair poll).
You're too optimistic, which we need, but in reality, there seem to be too many still sleepers out there, or possibly some bots or fake accounts.
Agreed, anon.
"Voters" on X =/= people "in reality".
People on social media =/= people " in reality".
For a more accurate sense of things I listen to pollster Rich Baris podcasts.
Peoples Pundit: Inside the Numbers.
Monday, Wedsday & Friday Live stream 12:00 EST.
You Tube, Rumble & Locals.
Thank God I found his podcast AND started listening. I've learned soooo much and I still am.