Exactly. They used a test that was designed to pick up random junk. They knew full well it would give positive results for any and everything. They knew that would spread fear, and lead people to take shots they don't need, and WILL harm them.
I tried to tell people, just because they call it a COVID test, does not mean it was designed to test for COVID. It's no different than putting "COVID-19 Test" on your broom, sweeping the floor, then calling dust bunnies COVID-19.
Exactly. They used a test that was designed to pick up random junk. They knew full well it would give positive results for any and everything. They knew that would spread fear, and lead people to take shots they don't need, and WILL harm them.
I tried to tell people, just because they call it a COVID test, does not mean it was designed to test for COVID. It's no different than putting "COVID-19 Test" on your broom, sweeping the floor, then calling dust bunnies COVID-19.