141 General Chat (Weekly edition) - Week 50 posted 1 year ago by bubble_bursts [M] 1 year ago by bubble_bursts +142 / -1 Last Week's Chat 376 comments share 376 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Frequency domains of humanity:
loved by the matrix
cannot see outside the square
Inverted 3D Normies
strictly atheist linear deterministic worldview
strong polarisation against 45
aligned with the luciferase in the jabs
Medical priesthood is unquestioned
saturation with mainstream programming
3D Normies
somewhat religious, some belief in Yahshuah
some resistance against inverted matrix
semi awake
question control systems
Support freedom, learning towards supporting 45
selective about mainstream programming
3D Anons
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State
Pray regularly, with intent
Knowlege of Yahshuah
Ephesians 6:10-18
Often caught up in patriot infighting
Know the works of Ashayana Deane
All in on team Yahshuah
Familiar with 107, Gene Decode, Kerry Cassidy
Know of Michael Salla, Megan Rose, Elena Danaan, Franco DeNicola
Pray with heartful focused intent
A few more 5d..
Knows the truth about ensoulment
Knows about the true language
Understands energy/frequency application
Understands the tone scale
Realizes the myth of self sufficiency
Focused in on zen/peacefulness
Sees through Pauline lies in the Bible
Has started to or is already researching philosophical alchemy
Understands what Jesus breaking the old covenant truly means
Can begin to discern higher vs lower domain humans
Avoids suppresive wavelengths even if "family"
Do you know anyone living a 5d experience?
Got you back to +1
I'm down with this thread. 👽🙏