My fren you have gone a bit off the deep end. Id like to actually voice chat with you and discuss the details of these beliefs. Ill PM discord info if youre interested.
Put it this way- has Trump described the shape of the earth?
This right here is flawed thinking. First of all Trump is not all knowing and basing your reality on what he says or doesnt say is crazy. So what if you ask and he says its a globe? Or just test it yourself and look at the curve.
Or did the idea that it was spritually circular come from a scientist/academic (i.e. a liberal)?
Spiritually circular? What does that even mean? And scientists arent the only one who can prove the shape of the earth.
I'm not saying it is necessarily flat or round, merely that it cannot be determined and I await revelation on this
It CAN be determined.
It is a blessing to be hated and persecuted by the worldly, though admittedly it is sad to be scorned as a newcomer here.
If this isnt a troll you got some lack of self awareness. You speak in a way that sounds like faux piousness and claim outlandish things casually with no explanation or reasoning. Its common knowledge that trolls come here to make us all look as crazy as possible and your choice of words glows to me. But i could be wrong which is why i offered to VC with you. Flat earth theories are honeypots for people who have lost touch with anything that they cannot see in front of them with the naked eye. We have technology that gives us access to perspectives we cant perceive with just our body. Choosing to ignore that and accusing it of being demonic liberal lies is unhinged.
If youre going to start pushing flat earth bs then i know for sure youre just a troll. There is zero truth to flat earth theories.
My fren you have gone a bit off the deep end. Id like to actually voice chat with you and discuss the details of these beliefs. Ill PM discord info if youre interested.
This right here is flawed thinking. First of all Trump is not all knowing and basing your reality on what he says or doesnt say is crazy. So what if you ask and he says its a globe? Or just test it yourself and look at the curve.
Spiritually circular? What does that even mean? And scientists arent the only one who can prove the shape of the earth.
It CAN be determined.
If this isnt a troll you got some lack of self awareness. You speak in a way that sounds like faux piousness and claim outlandish things casually with no explanation or reasoning. Its common knowledge that trolls come here to make us all look as crazy as possible and your choice of words glows to me. But i could be wrong which is why i offered to VC with you. Flat earth theories are honeypots for people who have lost touch with anything that they cannot see in front of them with the naked eye. We have technology that gives us access to perspectives we cant perceive with just our body. Choosing to ignore that and accusing it of being demonic liberal lies is unhinged.