Heaven forbid anything should happen to Trump. However, if something should happen, (Black swan event) I think in Trump's absence, millions would be motivated. Patriots from every corner of society would take up arms and begin making demands. This would be expected of us.
Trump told us he was giving control back to the people. We would have to stand up and make him proud, fulfill his dream. Suicide weekend would happen as 150 million armed patriots showed up at every state capital across the nation to begin the public trials.
If you think this is far fetched, I think Trump could be preparing us for this exact scenario. Extending this swamp drain out over a 8 years process gave everyone an idea who is good and who is bad.
This country will never survive if we are not willing to fight for it. We can't expect someone else to fight our battle for us. President Trump is just one man. If we want unrestrained freedom, we may have to hang a few traitors ourselves.
Heaven forbid anything should happen to Trump. However, if something should happen, (Black swan event) I think in Trump's absence, millions would be motivated. Patriots from every corner of society would take up arms and begin making demands. This would be expected of us.
Trump told us he was giving control back to the people. We would have to stand up and make him proud, fulfill his dream. Suicide weekend would happen as 150 million armed patriots showed up at every state capital across the nation to begin the public trials.
If you think this is far fetched, I think Trump could be preparing us for this exact scenario. Extending this swamp drain out over a 8 years process gave everyone an idea who is good and who is bad.
This country will never survive if we are not willing to fight for it. We can't expect someone else to fight our battle for us. President Trump is just one man. If we want unrestrained freedom, we may have to hang a few traitors ourselves.