This event will have a similar effect to the Mar-a-Lago raid and the nonsense indictments. The Biden regime go full dictator and overtly abuse government power to attack Trump, it only ends up making him more popular and galvanizing his support, waking up countless normies in the process. It happens every time.
Every abuse of power wakes up another batch of normies, and the abuses of power are escalating, making it harder for normies to ignore. The needle is moving.
They gotta see it to believe it. So let’s show it to them.
The internet is a megaphone where the most fringe ideas can gain legitimacy. But it is a false legitimacy because it is merely illusion. Americans are very astute at wading through the bullshit once they understand there is narrative being woven and these days I think every American is aware of this. Cynicism can be a strength when faced with unending lies. The Plan to awaken us was purposely spiced up with the absurd to ensure we were aware of the narratives.
And now the internet works against them because it is being used as a force multiplier in the awakening.
These people are truly fucked. It is like they are stuck in quicksand and the more they struggle the deeper they sink.