But only a few who regret taking it... I live in a pretty conservative place but work takes you into libtardville often and that head is just too hard to pull out of that ass for most...
I've noticed that too. Was at a Christmas party several days ago, and one of the vaxx'ed / boosted people there, a woman I've known for 35 years or more, said she was beginning to suspect the vaxx has caused her brain fog and now she's having bouts of depression. Her husband, though, even though he's had two TIA's and has some nerve damage STILL maintains that "it would have been a lot worse without the vaccines..."
But only a few who regret taking it... I live in a pretty conservative place but work takes you into libtardville often and that head is just too hard to pull out of that ass for most...
But some are starting to ... notice things...
I've noticed that too. Was at a Christmas party several days ago, and one of the vaxx'ed / boosted people there, a woman I've known for 35 years or more, said she was beginning to suspect the vaxx has caused her brain fog and now she's having bouts of depression. Her husband, though, even though he's had two TIA's and has some nerve damage STILL maintains that "it would have been a lot worse without the vaccines..."
Sigh... OK bub, carry on.
He literally lucky he still alive and not dead at least…