Her vaccinated caregiver tested positive two and a half weeks ago. The only reason she tested is because my Mom was supposed to go to a church thing. So, my Mom and her caregiver didn't go.
Enter the COVID Christmas hysteria.
One of my siblings then decided that my mother, who had a runny nose, had to get tested. She tested positive. Then said sibling decided not only that my mom couldn't go to the extended family Christmas even "five days after she was asymptomatic wearing a mask" which is apparently the new bullshit rule. AND, that no one should have direct contact with her. AND, that anyone that did have direct contact with shouldn't go to extended family Christmas either, even if they tested negative. So I was banished, and adult children that flew into to town for Christmas were banished. Not because they were with my Mom. Because they were with me, who was with my mom, who was barely sick, and clearly not sick enough to get me sick.
It was awful and I don't think the rift will be healed anytime soon. I became persona non grata because I decided to take my chances so as not to isolate a little old lady at Christmas. The irony? I (unvaccinated) took some MMS and didn't get sick notwithstanding that I have been with my mom every day since. Prolly because unvaccinated people exposed to a real virus then thave broad based immunity - something everyone in the world used to know.
So, my unvaccinated mom was less sick than the vaccinated and boosted caregiver that got her sick in the first place, and I wasn't sick at all. Yet we are the problem. The good news is my elderly mom will probably never get it again. The bad news is she was heartbroken at Christmas, and she probably does not have a lot of Christmas's left.
Covid "tests" are fake and ghey. They don't work. Your mom had a cold/flu.
Participating in this BS by saying so and so "tested positive" enables this BS to continue.
1000% agree.
I have not taken any of those tests, just go off of, welp family member is sick, they took one said it was covid so, I have what they have now, even if I do not get ill as well, eh.. if covid is as easy to catch as they have said and I do nothing to "protect myself" from ill person in home, I should by all reasoning get it too but, yeah.. getting tested is pointless. IF you are sick, stay home.. rather is it covid or the flu or common cold no need for extreme measures.
How does anyone detect covid without one of these tests? What are the unique symptoms? How does the test differentiate between COVID and a regular cold or flu?
There is no objective answer because the tests are nothing more than a cheap mind control device so they can generate fake statistics.
Absolutely no unique symptoms. This scam of giving existing symptoms new scary names, or maybe adding the word "syndrome" has been going on for a long time. Yet another exposed facet of the medical industrial complex.
The PCR test works fine, just not the way it was applied, i.e. to diagnose disease. In a laboratory setting, the PCR test is a super tool to detect minute quantities of whatever they are looking for.
If you up the cycle threshold of the PCR test, you can detect anything you like, and it can still not tell you if you are infected. It can only detect small quantities of virus RNA that your body might be fighting off perfectly normally, or that already has been overcome.
The mass application of the PCR test to detect COVID-19 was one of the biggest scams in history.