Has anyone watched this in full? If you know the Frankunderwood character or the show it might be clearer to you. Reelection. White House, VP selection and who's running is discussed. Although the names mentioned are from House of Cards TV show some things are relatable to today. I've seen comments here speculating if Tucker is going to be Trumps VP. He asks Tucker about being VP. I personally don't believe Tucker will be VP or anything else in politics. They also compare Fox firing Tucker to Netflix firing Spacey (USA president Frank Underwood). He doesn't say false accusations and smiles. I'm not defending him! I'm past the point of trying to figure out people like Tucker, Rogan, Musk etc. Either they are very bad and being used by white hates or they have changed, IDK. It's impossible to figure someone out I do know let alone someone I see on TV, social media or hear on podcasts.
Has anyone watched this in full? If you know the Frankunderwood character or the show it might be clearer to you. Reelection. White House, VP selection and who's running is discussed. Although the names mentioned are from House of Cards TV show some things are relatable to today. I've seen comments here speculating if Tucker is going to be Trumps VP. He asks Tucker about being VP. I personally don't believe Tucker will be VP or anything else in politics. They also compare Fox firing Tucker to Netflix firing Spacey (USA president Frank Underwood). He doesn't say false accusations and smiles. I'm not defending him! I'm past the point of trying to figure out people like Tucker, Rogan, Musk etc. Either they are very bad and being used by white hates or they have changed, IDK. It's impossible to figure someone out I do know let alone someone I see on TV, social media or hear on podcasts.