Because he’s not interfering with the known pedo, dude, he’s interacting with the character Frank Underwood from House of Cards, and he’s recording lines from the show too. Is this entire board autistic and completely unaware of nuance and satire? It’s definitely comms but you’re reading this event like a child. “hE’s TaLkInG tO. PeDo He. MuSt Be PeDo.”
Because he’s not interfering with the known pedo, dude, he’s interacting with the character Frank Underwood from House of Cards, and he’s recording lines from the show too. Is this entire board autistic and completely unaware of nuance and satire? It’s definitely comms but you’re reading this event like a child. “hE’s TaLkInG tO. PeDo He. MuSt Be PeDo.”
I didn't say he must be a pedo, but I don't know why Tucker is giving this guy a platform
Kevin Spacy is most DEFINITELY a pedo. But you are STILL completely missing the point.