I suggest you might not get as many clicks if you actually just stick to factual information instead of posting things with narrative spin, but you'd be doing the board a favor by practicing a higher standard and not encouraging hyper emotionalized reactions that merely stimulate narrative spin as opposed to clear thinking, objective evaluation and free thought”
This can also be said by way too many posts on here. Less hyperbole the better.
I think it's a balance, but I also think it behooves the mods and the board to think of ways that higher quality posting can be encouraged and posts that lean toward the tabloidish can be discouraged. But as I said, it's a balance. The OP did post a good link, which helped, imo.
“ I suggest you might not get as many clicks if you actually just stick to factual information instead of posting things with narrative spin, but you'd be doing the board a favor by practicing a higher standard and not encouraging hyper emotionalized reactions that merely stimulate narrative spin as opposed to clear thinking, objective evaluation and free thought”
This can also be said by way too many posts on here. Less hyperbole the better.
I think it's a balance, but I also think it behooves the mods and the board to think of ways that higher quality posting can be encouraged and posts that lean toward the tabloidish can be discouraged. But as I said, it's a balance. The OP did post a good link, which helped, imo.