Amir Tsarfati: Watching The Deterioration Of Truth - Harbingers Daily
Being fully immersed in news of the massacre of October 7 and its long-reaching aftermath has been difficult enough. But to witness the widespread antisemitism, lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories makes it at times almost unbearable.
Israel has gotten away with murder for years. People who think this Israel is God's Israel are simply wrong. Hard pill to swallow after 75 years of effective propaganda from our government and supposed Christian churches.
Tell me why so many dual citizen members or congress, senate and government. In general? Where is their true allegience. I dare say not the Unitied States.
I'm not antinsemite. I'm anti evil and Israel has some evil leadership that literally runs both sides of this war.
I have jew-ish blood, I just don't relate to it since Christ saved from that crap.
It's no coincidence the Zionist movement among Jews and the belief Christ wants them to have Israel started the same time
Jesus is King of the Jews. Jesus is coming back to rule from Jerusalem. Jesus was the Creator God of the Old Testament. God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. God's word will not fail. He said He would bring Israel back to being a nation after 2600 year and it happened in 1948. Israel is not a righteous people. God says they are not but God said He would bring them back fro all the nations they were sent into back to the land He gave to Abraham NOT for their sakes but for His Holy Names sake. WHY you ask, God said so the nations would know He is the one and only true God. Weather you like Israel or not, God is using them to PROVE He is the Eternal.
I get down voted for quoting directly from the Bible!! GO figure!
More than likely jewbots were involved.
Not sure why the down vote, but I don't see a Bible quote. Maybe put the chapt and verse.