Inspite of the doomer and blackpilling shill comments in this thread, this is part of disclosure, an important part of the Awakening. Will a Congress and Court system that is obviously infiltrated and compromised do anything tangible? Most likely not but that isnt the point. We are already well aware of this and this is the problem we are waging this war against. Some of us for decades.
This is the Awakening and also building the future case for when evil has been defeated and the war won. Then EVERYTHING changes. If you dont believe this to be true, then why in the fuck are you here? You only pollute the movement with your dooming. Dooming is an emotional response that plays right into satans hands.
Inspite of the doomer and blackpilling shill comments in this thread, this is part of disclosure, an important part of the Awakening. Will a Congress and Court system that is obviously infiltrated and compromised do anything tangible? Most likely not but that isnt the point. We are already well aware of this and this is the problem we are waging this war against. Some of us for decades.
This is the Awakening and also building the future case for when evil has been defeated and the war won. Then EVERYTHING changes. If you dont believe this to be true, then why in the fuck are you here? You only pollute the movement with your dooming. Dooming is an emotional response that plays right into satans hands.