What we call WH and BH are actually people belonging to secret societies and initiated into esoteric knowledge. The knowledge itself is simply knowledge of how the Universe works. The interpretation and what you do with it and how you apply it is where the White/Black comes in. There are Grey hats too.
The thing that differentiates between WH and BH is how they look at Humanity.
The BHs believe they could become God, if they help their diety - Lucifer to takedown God and ascend there throne himself, then he would also bring up all his followers and make them God.
The WHs believe that we are all created by God, and under the rule of God and by obeying God's principles we can all live in harmony.
The fight thats going on right now has been going on between these two factions for millenia. We are just seeing the tail end of it.
If you dig into any people, on either side, you will see these connection to ancient bloodlines and it can be pretty confusing, but ultimately judging people by the fruits of their action is how we can discern.
Well said looking from 100k feet up. But that discussion is looking at from ground level on how these hats appear to people as. Yes, actions speak volumes. But with complex actions, there is more behind the curtains than meets the eye (e.g. Trump endorsed vaxx or military is allowing our borders to be invaded).
Because in order to play the 5D chess game, sometimes (or most times) black hats appear as white hats and vice versa. People bombarded with information from all angles to confuse this comprehension of who is what. People judge others based on their past data and set of established criteria in their minds.
Who is feeding that data and could some (or all) of that data be tampered, in which case the judgement criteria goes haywire. I think we're in for a massive paradigm shifting information overload in the upcoming year. Confusing times ahead. Don't get attached to any specific set of thoughts, person, group, entity, belief systems as anything and everything could be taken away.
I think we (as Anons) are pretty well equipped to figure out why some of these contradictory things are happening. But I agree, confusing times ahead and keep your head while everyone loses theirs.
I only hold on to the set of evolving thoughts that is most consistent with all the events I watch as they unfold, after applying critical thinking. As long as we keep adjusting this worldview with new information, its the best we can do.
If we dont have this, we are in for a lot of heart ache, depression and desperation.
Problem is that there is censorship that stops a lot of posts on here. My post on Noahide laws (which were apparently signed into US law) was taken down. Anything deemed anti-Trump (no matter how slight) is verboten.
Yes that is something that should be debated more. As much as I like Trump there is a lot that I am skeptical of (super pro Israel and a lot of Jew connections (we will see if that’s good or bad), a lot of grifting vibe things like selling quick meet and greets for 5k or 10k and even selling NFTs, he didn’t stop censorship which I fully believe he could have done through executive order if he wanted to. I’m hoping it’s all part of the plan but Trump should be questioned just like others. As much as we love him we have to understand all of the trumps have huge wealth and are not suffering anything like the average person. Sure they slander his name and attack him legally but Trump junior is giving speeches at hunting conventions and fishing on his 1.5 million dollar boat while we are wondering wtf is going on. Not the best look imo
What we call WH and BH are actually people belonging to secret societies and initiated into esoteric knowledge. The knowledge itself is simply knowledge of how the Universe works. The interpretation and what you do with it and how you apply it is where the White/Black comes in. There are Grey hats too.
The thing that differentiates between WH and BH is how they look at Humanity.
The BHs believe they could become God, if they help their diety - Lucifer to takedown God and ascend there throne himself, then he would also bring up all his followers and make them God.
The WHs believe that we are all created by God, and under the rule of God and by obeying God's principles we can all live in harmony.
The fight thats going on right now has been going on between these two factions for millenia. We are just seeing the tail end of it.
If you dig into any people, on either side, you will see these connection to ancient bloodlines and it can be pretty confusing, but ultimately judging people by the fruits of their action is how we can discern.
Well said looking from 100k feet up. But that discussion is looking at from ground level on how these hats appear to people as. Yes, actions speak volumes. But with complex actions, there is more behind the curtains than meets the eye (e.g. Trump endorsed vaxx or military is allowing our borders to be invaded).
Because in order to play the 5D chess game, sometimes (or most times) black hats appear as white hats and vice versa. People bombarded with information from all angles to confuse this comprehension of who is what. People judge others based on their past data and set of established criteria in their minds.
Who is feeding that data and could some (or all) of that data be tampered, in which case the judgement criteria goes haywire. I think we're in for a massive paradigm shifting information overload in the upcoming year. Confusing times ahead. Don't get attached to any specific set of thoughts, person, group, entity, belief systems as anything and everything could be taken away.
I think we (as Anons) are pretty well equipped to figure out why some of these contradictory things are happening. But I agree, confusing times ahead and keep your head while everyone loses theirs.
I only hold on to the set of evolving thoughts that is most consistent with all the events I watch as they unfold, after applying critical thinking. As long as we keep adjusting this worldview with new information, its the best we can do.
If we dont have this, we are in for a lot of heart ache, depression and desperation.
Problem is that there is censorship that stops a lot of posts on here. My post on Noahide laws (which were apparently signed into US law) was taken down. Anything deemed anti-Trump (no matter how slight) is verboten.
Yes that is something that should be debated more. As much as I like Trump there is a lot that I am skeptical of (super pro Israel and a lot of Jew connections (we will see if that’s good or bad), a lot of grifting vibe things like selling quick meet and greets for 5k or 10k and even selling NFTs, he didn’t stop censorship which I fully believe he could have done through executive order if he wanted to. I’m hoping it’s all part of the plan but Trump should be questioned just like others. As much as we love him we have to understand all of the trumps have huge wealth and are not suffering anything like the average person. Sure they slander his name and attack him legally but Trump junior is giving speeches at hunting conventions and fishing on his 1.5 million dollar boat while we are wondering wtf is going on. Not the best look imo