The Law is plain. The 2nd Amendment is about The US. Militia and the 120 MILLION armed American patriots Waiting on THE Word from legal law enforcement to ACT against the liberal/communist COUP that has taken DC. It will only take a single Clear statement. I agree with his course But, Most of US do not need a course, we need someone to declare the fact that liberal/communism is destroying the Constitution and Enact the 2nd Amendment for it's lawful purpose.
AND you Buford have so eloquently elucidated EXACTLY WHY the 2nd Amendment was created...WHICH is also what the Bill of Rights enumerated quite well. The 1st Amendment protects the 2nd Amendment and the 2nd Protects the 1st!!!
Some people (dems/libs) take these 2 out of context to destroy this instrument that protects EVERYONE....
Beautiful thought. It is a peaceful way of letting them know, this shit will not fly. We are ready punch you in the face the next time you pee on our leg.
Thanks for the heads up. I've also seen them at Ned's on Gull lake a few times. For the record, Ned's smoked chicken wings, and pickle pizza are phenomenal.
Ahh yes, the pickle pizza... a staple of the area. Mitten Pizza in Gun Lake (RIP) had a good one. For the record, Broken Smoker is the name of the BBQ joint. Tiny place in the village. Best BBQ in the Middleville/Caledonia area. I moved from the area (Shelbyville) a couple of years ago (to near the MI/IN border), but still make my way up there on occasion for that BBQ, and Taco Boy in GR.
Sheriffs are the bed rock of State law enforcement and do NOT answer to DC and liberal/communism politics. When the Fake liberal agenda confronts The PEOPLE, they will be burnt to the ground.
Maybe some ( LA, NY) can be, but the vast majority are American Patriots and will defend the US. Constitution by ENACTING the US, Militia. THAT is all they have to Do. The rest will be DONE.
Hi fren! I pulled your post because we received some information from another anon regarding the author of this article, Shane Trejo:
"The guy who wrote that article at BLP, Shane Trejo, is a local known bad actor. In order to prevent the Michigan precinct delegates from trying to elect Kristina Karamo (now Chairwoman of the state GOP), he tried starting the Grand New Party in the state in order to try and split the vote. NOT a friend of White Hats."
This is a perfect example of doing your homework with critical thinking. There's' nothing the Deep State wants more than to get some local hot-trigger fingers going that they can try and use against us. I'm a local Michigander, and the guy who wrote that article, Shane Trejo, is NOT a white hat friend. You're being led down the "We need to kidnap Governor Whitmer" path.
The Law is plain. The 2nd Amendment is about The US. Militia and the 120 MILLION armed American patriots Waiting on THE Word from legal law enforcement to ACT against the liberal/communist COUP that has taken DC. It will only take a single Clear statement. I agree with his course But, Most of US do not need a course, we need someone to declare the fact that liberal/communism is destroying the Constitution and Enact the 2nd Amendment for it's lawful purpose.
AND you Buford have so eloquently elucidated EXACTLY WHY the 2nd Amendment was created...WHICH is also what the Bill of Rights enumerated quite well. The 1st Amendment protects the 2nd Amendment and the 2nd Protects the 1st!!!
Some people (dems/libs) take these 2 out of context to destroy this instrument that protects EVERYONE....
If my sheriff does that, I'll be there.
me three.
I wish more sheriffs would do this so we can send an even clearer message.
Beautiful thought. It is a peaceful way of letting them know, this shit will not fly. We are ready punch you in the face the next time you pee on our leg.
I wish so too.
Haha yes. I work in Barry County sometimes, I knew I liked that area. I'm gonna stop in and give the sheriff a high five.
Stop into the local BBQ place in Middleville. He eats lunch there quite often.
Thanks for the heads up. I've also seen them at Ned's on Gull lake a few times. For the record, Ned's smoked chicken wings, and pickle pizza are phenomenal.
Ahh yes, the pickle pizza... a staple of the area. Mitten Pizza in Gun Lake (RIP) had a good one. For the record, Broken Smoker is the name of the BBQ joint. Tiny place in the village. Best BBQ in the Middleville/Caledonia area. I moved from the area (Shelbyville) a couple of years ago (to near the MI/IN border), but still make my way up there on occasion for that BBQ, and Taco Boy in GR.
You do that.
👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Some good sheriffs still standing. Love it.
Sheriffs are the bed rock of State law enforcement and do NOT answer to DC and liberal/communism politics. When the Fake liberal agenda confronts The PEOPLE, they will be burnt to the ground.
Amen and pray for the truth that sheriffs cannot be bought.
Maybe some ( LA, NY) can be, but the vast majority are American Patriots and will defend the US. Constitution by ENACTING the US, Militia. THAT is all they have to Do. The rest will be DONE.
Amen. I certainly hope so.
Valid concern about honeypot. Thanks.
Where did you see paying $100+ to conceal every 4 years? I did not see it on the article.
Oh. I understand. Same as Oregon. I didn't know about the fingerprinting part.
Hi fren! I pulled your post because we received some information from another anon regarding the author of this article, Shane Trejo:
"The guy who wrote that article at BLP, Shane Trejo, is a local known bad actor. In order to prevent the Michigan precinct delegates from trying to elect Kristina Karamo (now Chairwoman of the state GOP), he tried starting the Grand New Party in the state in order to try and split the vote. NOT a friend of White Hats."
Feel free to send us a modmail if you wish to discuss this matter. Thanks!
No problem, mod. If I made a mistake and some damn bad actor writes something not true. By all means, pull it.
Thanks for your understanding, fren!
mods do great work.
Thanks, we do our best to keep things running smoothly for everyone.
I want that Sheriff to come and visit Pennsylvania, so I can sign up.
Same here.
“Homeland” is marxist word salad. If anything doesn’t appear or is specifically mentioned in US constitution it’s globohomo bullshit
Everything else rings true and we stayed strapped in Houston
Thanks for the tips about Homeland. Appreciate.
This is a perfect example of doing your homework with critical thinking. There's' nothing the Deep State wants more than to get some local hot-trigger fingers going that they can try and use against us. I'm a local Michigander, and the guy who wrote that article, Shane Trejo, is NOT a white hat friend. You're being led down the "We need to kidnap Governor Whitmer" path.
Do a basic search an you'll know them by their deeds and who supports them: