Any seismologists or data weigh-in on any of these mysteries or are they certain they were ‘above ground events’.?
I’m a conspiracy theorist by design and most of these I would bet are underground drilling/blasting events opening up new high speed underground tunnels for drugs and human trafficking routes.
If they truly wanted the source it would be identified. Reporting on it but claiming them mysterious (but we have no answers) is typical placating of the sheep.
Oh yes. I just wonder if at some times they encounter large outcroppings of very hard rock that is cheaper to blast than to dull/destroy expensive cutting heads for the front end of those machines.
That is pretty damn strange - gotta say
Any seismologists or data weigh-in on any of these mysteries or are they certain they were ‘above ground events’.?
I’m a conspiracy theorist by design and most of these I would bet are underground drilling/blasting events opening up new high speed underground tunnels for drugs and human trafficking routes.
If they truly wanted the source it would be identified. Reporting on it but claiming them mysterious (but we have no answers) is typical placating of the sheep.
IIRC there were a series of booms previously around the world that had 17 second lengths of some sort. Things that just wouldn't be natural.
They don’t need to blast for underground tunnels. Haven’t you seen the enormous tunnel excavators that make a completely smooth, huge, round surface?
Oh yes. I just wonder if at some times they encounter large outcroppings of very hard rock that is cheaper to blast than to dull/destroy expensive cutting heads for the front end of those machines.
Let's see how these man holes erupted today? I know little about Roosevelt Island, NY. but the fires being spread about is a bit unusual.
I've also noted a large pull back on train accidents the past few months.
Part of the digital space wars? Overloading the systems digitally maybe? That is where I lean.