If I had to guess. It’s that many Cops because it was probably a Gang/Cartel Related Brawl. And the sticks probably weren’t anywhere close to normal “Sticks”.
And manpower quantity necessary would go up depending on the size of the scene. And if they need to cart off any in body bags.
According to the above Article. One group involved in the fight refused to leave the area when the Cops started rolling in. So I’d imagine the Cops that initially responded called for backup and were preparing to force them out.
If I had to guess. It’s that many Cops because it was probably a Gang/Cartel Related Brawl. And the sticks probably weren’t anywhere close to normal “Sticks”.
And manpower quantity necessary would go up depending on the size of the scene. And if they need to cart off any in body bags.
According to the above Article. One group involved in the fight refused to leave the area when the Cops started rolling in. So I’d imagine the Cops that initially responded called for backup and were preparing to force them out.
Hence the metric fuckload of Cops.