We called this out when we found out one of the components of the jab was Luciferase that would Flores under a certain UV wave length. This is how they were going to identify the sheep who complied, and the people who didn't. A lot of the Long Island Railroad stations have these installed UV lights at the exit and entrance of stations. They're still their!
Take a light stick/glow stick and break it to mix the chems then cut it open and put some on your body? lol I have no idea. That might cause a chemical burn. There is glow-in-the-dark paints and colorings and crayons etc you might be able to dot your skin with, but I'd certainly test a skin patch first to make sure you don't have a reaction.
Or, simply join the FBI and you'll glow for the rest of your life!
We called this out when we found out one of the components of the jab was Luciferase that would Flores under a certain UV wave length. This is how they were going to identify the sheep who complied, and the people who didn't. A lot of the Long Island Railroad stations have these installed UV lights at the exit and entrance of stations. They're still their!
The root word for "Luciferase" is telling.
Yes, it means light.
It's sad how many people don't know that.
People get too hung up on names that are given to monsters, judging the names guilty just by association. Look at what happened to the name "Adolf".
So how can we glow to them without a vaccine?
No jab no glow and maybe arrest you was the plan? Either way, it's 100% failed.
Scribble highlighter on your hand? 😂
Take a light stick/glow stick and break it to mix the chems then cut it open and put some on your body? lol I have no idea. That might cause a chemical burn. There is glow-in-the-dark paints and colorings and crayons etc you might be able to dot your skin with, but I'd certainly test a skin patch first to make sure you don't have a reaction.
Or, simply join the FBI and you'll glow for the rest of your life!