OK then - spoon me some propaganda. I have been fasting of late.
Of course the attorney/client pribiledge does not count at all when it comes to Trump, so fire away, thou mystery sauce:
And those 'sources' KNOW all about the team's legal strategy - of course. That goes without saying, becoz sources.
And if there are classified documents, then how do these Sauces know what's in them? The documents are classified, and those peeps prolly have nada clearance to see them.
But these are government documents that support the notion that Trump was correct.
OK then - spoon me some propaganda. I have been fasting of late.
Of course the attorney/client pribiledge does not count at all when it comes to Trump, so fire away, thou mystery sauce:
And those 'sources' KNOW all about the team's legal strategy - of course. That goes without saying, becoz sources.
And if there are classified documents, then how do these Sauces know what's in them? The documents are classified, and those peeps prolly have nada clearance to see them.
They are scared.