68 Elon - "The public should be made aware of this." ...(The largest migrant caravan of 2023 known as the 'poverty exodus,' has recently departed from Southern Mexico, comprising approximately 15,000 individuals from 24 countries en route to the US border.) (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by purkiss80 1 year ago by purkiss80 +68 / -0 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Right? Who is feeding them? Where are they going to the bathroom? Are they really walking or did they just get off the busses to pose for this picture? Who is paying for all of this invasion?
Is it the UN/globalists/cabal along with NGO's paying and organizing for all this?
No way illiterate people from all over would know what to do or how to assemble or when to come.
Shoes and water. I hike a lot and you need some good shoes
Isn’t a Free Thinking mind pure bliss, DeepFakePonySoldier?😂🐸