It's about the new fancy rail accelerators on the aircraft carriers. They were tried and true steam driven but no they went for fancy rail launchers. What he's talking about is when water gets on the system it fails. Then no launching can be done with the rail system down. Untried, unproven and cost prohibitive. He was furious they went to a single point failure system. He said, why in the world would you put this on your aircraft carriers. It's stupid.
It's about the new fancy rail accelerators on the aircraft carriers. They were tried and true steam driven but no they went for fancy rail launchers. What he's talking about is when water gets on the system it fails. Then no launching can be done with the rail system down. Untried, unproven and cost prohibitive. He was furious they went to a single point failure system. He said, why in the world would you put this on your aircraft carriers. It's stupid.