It should be a law that if a person votes in a party’s primary election, the person can’t vote against that party’s nominee in the general. The person would still have the option of not voting at all in the general. In other words, a person should only be able to vote against a candidate once, not twice. Disingenuous party registration is against the spirit of primary elections. These are very scummy people.
Don't read into this in PA.
PA is a closed election.
DEMONrats do this to vote on the Republican side to vote against Trump.
Operation Chaos as El Rushbo called it.
It should be a law that if a person votes in a party’s primary election, the person can’t vote against that party’s nominee in the general. The person would still have the option of not voting at all in the general. In other words, a person should only be able to vote against a candidate once, not twice. Disingenuous party registration is against the spirit of primary elections. These are very scummy people.
What they do is vote Republican for Niki Haley to drive Trump’s numbers down.
Then on the general election they vote for Biden.
Yup, one man votes against Trump twice in the same election year, but it should be one man one vote