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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I’m curious about history and sometimes go on a deep dive on different topics. After watching a few movies and they were speaking “the and tho” etc I started to wonder how did we get from that dialect to today in the English speaking world. Even in America English has changed over the last two hundred years. I started searching on YouTube and came across this video. It wasn’t what I was looking but it’s interesting so eventually I’ll watch it. I don’t expect you to watch something you have no interest in but want to share what the narrator says about erasing the history of Ango Saxon.
At the 1 minute mark he says, Cambridge University has stated they will begin to instruct their students that their was no such thing as an Anglo Saxxon ethnic group, denying the English people the roots of their identity.
I’ve seen multiple posts here about history being erased. Heck what we know may be a lie. I don’t get why they don’t want people to know Anglo Saxxon history or any other. Only possiblity I can think of is English origins is from the Germanic people as well as other ancient cultures. The connection with Germany, Hitler and the royal family. But this period is hundreds of years before Hitler and the monarchy in England. Either way good we have another example of erasing of history.
I really need to find old history books
Origins of the English
I will watch it, thanks. I was very interested about Britain and Britannia history, Ireland and Scotland. I see a whole choice of videos on the youtube page that has the one you posted. My ancestors come from the Isles, a tad German and Scandinavian, but mostly Irish, northern counties. I know I tried tracing the Celts, who seem to be an indigenous people all around the British Isles and also Brittany, France. It is a mystery of their true origin, but there were always tales of them being the lost tribe of Israel. History gets erased and rewritten all the time, and there are less scholars researching now than there ever was. Records get destroyed, omitted edited, artifacts are theorized over. Myth gets injected, through collective consciousness. Studying agriculture and animal husbandry also gives a good idea of what people refined the cattle, swine, sheep and horses, dogs,, because domesticated animals are also a history of the trade and domestication of people. The older I get the more time I have to learn all this stuff, I've always loved learning, but never was a good student. Confining myself to a school just did not work out for me, but I love learning.
I replied to this while cooking and I missed half of what you said🤦🏻♀️ Yes history gets erased on purpose and by natural means. The county I live in used to be one big county now it’s split into three counties. The old courthouse of the original county burned in 1920’s. Records were lost and it’s not good when searching genealogy. My husband’s can’t get his grandfather’s military records because the building where they were kept burned down. He was trying to get his metals to display with his flag.
I was a terrible student with the exception of history in high school. I made straight A’s and the rest were C,D & F. I just didn’t care. I wish I hadn’t cheated in English class in high school. I had an awesome smart teacher, she was so old she taught my mom. Her being old and not watching us allowed us to cheat. Every week for the vocabulary test each of us had our notebooks open on the floor. If you didn’t get a 100 it was your own fault.
I watch a lot of videos on history, archaeology and architecture ancient civilizations. We can learn so much about the past this way. Thankfully those doing the videos care about history and don’t try to alter it.
This is a great channel if you like Biblical archeology.
You might like this one it’s four hours figured I’d split it up. I started it last night and it’s very good.
History of the English language
My ancestors are from that region also. I did AncestryDNA before I knew what I know now. Oh well if you have had medical labs your DNA is available to anyone with the right connections.
Predominantly England & Northwestern Europe then the following in order from less to more %. Scotland, Wales, Sweden/Denmark, Norway, Getmanic Europe & Ireland. It matches I’ve been researching my genealogy. It’s fascinating going back in time to your ancestors. Although I’ve found some things I’m not proud of but we can’t do anything about what’s in the past.
These days if you have watch the older kids talking, and the younger kids talking you will notice that language changes so quickly even within a few years that its a wonder that it took two hundred years to drop "thou and shalt", kek!
I thought I was so cool saying “like” just like a valley girl. It became a popular thing in the 80s. Now nobody can complete a sentence without “like”. One that gets on my nerves is someone telling a story and the say “I mean”. If you are telling someone about something I think we know what you mean. I caught myself doing it and have cured that bad habit. I’ve heard celebrities, sports athletes, musicians, on TV & trained reporters saying “I mean”! I believe they are making things like this trending so they can dump us down. I’m not a scholar and can barely put a sentence together without grammatical errors but I know how to talk to people in person! I know it’s hard to follow my writing. I don’t remember who said this, maybe the older black man that talks about the democrats making the blacks dependent and he speaks out about many things. Dang wish I could remember his name. Anyway someone said we are not as smart as we were decades ago,